Technology Component Architectures

4 min

Technology Component Architectures are used to capture the high-level, logical technology architecture that describes the classes of technology that should be used. This tutorial introduces the Technology Component Architecture and describes how they are defined in Essential Architecture Manager.


Technology Composites are Technology Components that are made up of other Technology Components and have a defining architecture which describes the Technology Components that are used to make the composite, i.e. a configuration. You would typically use this to describe how your organisation configures a component architecture

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Technology Composites are a special kind of Technology Component that are used to capture components that make up the logical technology component architecture of a solution. That is, the set of types of technology (not products, yet!) that form the technology architecture of an application, e.g.:

  • Java Application Server
  • Enterprise Service Bus
  • Workgroup Server.

It is important to note that these composites can be re-used across application solutions to provide high-level logical technology templates for technology architectures.


Create a new Technology Composite following the steps described for how to Define Technology Component. The name of the composite should reflect the architecture it models. This may be specific to a particular application or solution (e.g. ‘MyApp Technology Architecture’) but ideally will be a more general and re-usable thing (e.g. ‘Standard J2EE Application Technology Architecture’), that you can use to manage your technology strategy.

To complete the task of creating the Technology Component Architecture definition:

  • Create a Defining Technology Component Architecture
  • Give this architecture a name and description
  • Drag Technology Components (or other Composites) from the palette on the left onto the canvas to use them in the architecture
  • Drag relationships between them to capture the dependencies that exist between the components. Each relationship can be opened and the Technology Protocol that is used in the dependency can be captured.


You can define the Technology Product Build Roles that implement this Technology Composite from here if you wish to define your architecture top-down.

  • Define the Technology Product Build Roles that implement this Technology Architecture in the ‘Provided by Technology Providers’ field of the Technology Composite.
  • Create new instances of Technology Product Build Roles as required, e.g. for production, development, and test builds.

Updated 27 February 2024

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