Server Back-up Scripts

5 min

In Multi-User mode, you should configure your database server to make regular backups, as defined in the Multi-User Installation Backups article. However, the configuration of the repository is maintained in a Protege project file that is used by the Protege server. This article provides some template Windows VBS files that are to be used as a template for your installation and for Unix shell scripts.

Repository Configuration Project Backups


' (c)2008 EAS ltd

' Essential Architecture Manager - repository daily backup script

' Backup the repository project file and perform housekeeping on the

' backup directory

' Backup snap-shots the project file and stores it away from Essential

' Backup to tape/off-server is the user's own responsibility

' Edit the locations in this script to control where the backups are made

' from and to.

    Dim anFso

    Dim aDirectory

    Dim aBackupDir

    Dim aFileSet

    Dim aBackupFile

    Dim aProjectSource

    Dim aProjectBackup

    Set anFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set aDirectory = anFso.GetFolder("C:EssentialAMRepository")

    Set aBackupDir = anFso.GetFolder("C:EssentialAMRepositoryBackups")

    aProjectFile = "essential_repository.pprj"

' Now copy the source file to aBackupFilename

    aReposProjectFile = aDirectory.Path & "" & aProjectFile

    aBackupFilename = aBackupDir.Path & "" & aProjectFile & "_" & Year(Now) & Month

    (Now) & Day(Now) & "_" &Hour(Now) & Minute(Now)

    Set aProjectSource = anFso.GetFile(aReposProjectFile)


' Now do housekeeping

    Set aFileSet = aBackupDir.Files

    For Each aBackupFile in aFileSet

    If DateDiff("d", aBackupFile.DateCreated, Now) > 31 Then aBackupFile.Delete



' (c)2008 EAS ltd

' Essential Architecture Manager - repository daily backup script

' Backup the repository project file and perform housekeeping on the

' backup directory

' Backup snap-shots the project file and stores it away from Essential

' Backup to tape/off-server is the user's own responsibility

' Edit the locations in this script to control where the backups are made

' from and to.

    Dim anFso

    Dim aDirectory

    Dim aBackupDir

    Dim aFileSet

    Dim aBackupFile

    Dim aProjectSource

    Dim aProjectBackup

    Set anFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set aDirectory = anFso.GetFolder("C:EssentialAMRepository")

    Set aBackupDir = anFso.GetFolder("C:EssentialAMRepositoryBackupsHours")

    aProjectFile = "essential_repository.pprj"

' Now copy the source file to aBackupFilename

    aReposProjectFile = aDirectory.Path & "" & aProjectFile

    aBackupFilename = aBackupDir.Path & "" & aProjectFile & "_" & Year(Now) & Month

    (Now) & Day(Now) & "_" &Hour(Now) & Minute(Now)

    Set aProjectSource = anFso.GetFile(aReposProjectFile)


' Now do housekeeping

    Set aFileSet = aBackupDir.Files

    For Each aBackupFile in aFileSet

    If DateDiff("d", aBackupFile.DateCreated, Now) > 1 Then aBackupFile.Delete


Updated 31 October 2023

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