Business Strategy Overview

4 min

The Business Strategy Overview displays a high-level view of the relationships between the key elements in the organisation’s strategy.

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The Business Strategy Overview displays the links between the Business Drivers, Goals and Objectives of your Organisation, and the Strategic Plans and Projects that will enable the strategy to be achieved. The elements that will be changed, ie decommissioned, enhanced or implemented are also displayed.


Use the Business Strategy Overview to understand the relationships between your strategy and the changes that are required to implement the strategy:

  • The Business Drivers that are the motivating factors behind your Strategic Goals
  • The Strategic Objectives that need to be achieved to deliver your goals
  • The Strategic Plans and Projects that will deliver this change, and the elements in the Plans and Projects that will be changed, ie decommissioned applications, outsourced processes, new capabilities and so on

The various sections in the view can be selected to display the additional information as required. The example below shows the information that can be displayed for a chosen Strategic Goal -> the supporting Objective -> the supporting Strategic Plan -> the implementing Projects -> the changed elements

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Business Strategy Overview Detail

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Business Strategy Overview Detail


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Business Strategy Overview Metamodel

Data Required

You need to capture the Business Drivers, Business Goals and Business Objectives and the links between them. The elements can be created and mapped in the data manager screens or in Cloud and Docker the relationships can be mapped in the Strategic Motivation Editor, accessible in the View Library (or you can add to your own portal).

You will also need to capture your Strategic Plans and the elements that are being changed, linked to the Projects that are implementing the changes. Lastly, the Strategic Plans need to be linked to the Objectives they support. This data can be captured in the Strategic Plan Launchpad Plus spreadsheet, or in a customised Editor (Cloud/Docker).

View Set Up

None required

Updated 22 January 2024

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