Data Modelling – Data Catalogue
3 min
The Data Catalogue is made up of Data Subjects and Data Objects and defines the data that is used across your organisation. Data makes up the building blocks of the Information that is used across your organisation to support the business. Data Subjects describe the types of data that are required, and Data Objects provide a more granular level of detail. Data Objects can also be broken down into Data Object Attributes, which describe an individual element of data.
Once you have described your Data Objects, these are then available to be 'used' by your business processes (in Information Views) and by your Applications (in Information and Data Representations).
Creating a Data Catalogue
Once you have identified the Data Subjects that you need to capture, navigate to the Information Conceptual section of the meta model (in the Class Browser) in the Information Layer and highlight the Data Subject. Create a new instance and complete the Name, Description and Data Category, ie Master Data, Reference Data or Transactional Data, as a minimum.
Now navigate to the Information Logical section of the meta model (in the Class Browser) in the Information Layer and highlight Data Object Type/Data Object. Create a new instance and complete the Name, Description, Data Category and also the Data Subject it belongs.
These are now available to be 'used' by your business processes (in Information Views) and by your Applications (in Information and Data Representations). For details on how to model these, refer to the 'Linking Data to Processes and Applications' documentation.
Updated 31 October 2023