
Multi-user Windows Service Dependencies

3 min

To ensure smooth operation of the Essential Architecture Manager server – in particular, after a Windows restart, we recommend that you define dependencies between the three main server components of the Essential Architecture Manager platform.

Server Platform Components

The following Windows services should all be set to start automatically – and are used to run the Essential Architecture Manager

Service Dependencies are defined such that the Essential Architecture Manager Server is dependent on MySQL.

How to start and stop Essential Architecture Manager as a Windows Service




To ensure the smooth operation of the Essential Architecture Manager server in a multi-user installation, this article defines the recommended monitoring that should be put in place.

The following table describes the monitoring requirements for Essential Architecture Manager in a multi-user installation:

Item Actions
Disk space > 90% Raise alarm if threshold exceeded
Apache Tomcat service running Restart if service is not running
EssentialAM Server service running Restart if service is not running
MySQL service running Restart if service is not running
Processes:java.exe and rmiregistry.exe Unless notified of planned out-age, restart the EssentialAM Server service.
File: /EssentialAM/Repository/annotations_.rdf < 6MB If file >= 6MB, follow the steps described in Change History Management.

Updated 31 October 2023

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