Graphviz Install
3 min
Graphviz is used as a layout engine and is required to support some of the older UML style views present in legacy Essential Views. The newer views do not require this. This document details how to install the Graphviz component for use with Essential
Essential Viewer requires version 2.26.3 or above of Graphviz.
Installation Instructions
We strongly recommend installing Graphviz to its default location using the standard installer.
Default Path
Default Path: Windows
c:Program FilesGraphvizdot.exe* or c:Program Files (x86)Graphvizdot.exe*
depending on which version of Windows you are using.
Default Path: Linux / Mac OSX
/usr/local/bin/dot or**/usr/bin/dot**
Environment Variable
If you have installed Graphviz somewhere other than the default location, you will need to define the environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT to point to the exact location of the DOT program. The variable must contain an executable, not a directory.
On Windows:
Create an environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT and point it to the DOT executable.
For example: d:exampledot.exe
Consult your Windows documentation for help setting environment variables in your version of Windows.
On Linux/Mac OS-X
From the command line, use the following commands.
setenv GRAPHVIZ_DOT /usr/local/bin/graphviz/dot export GRAPHVIZ_DOT
You can download these from the following location
On OS X Yosemite (10.10.x) Mac, the installation of GraphViz may depend on X11. If you encounter a ‘net.sourceforge.plantuml.svek.EmptySvgException’ error from PlantUML, please see this forum post for further instructions to resolve this issue.
Further Information
More information about Graphviz can be found at
Updated 25 September 2024