
How to Use the Essential Launchpad

10 min

This document contains a breakdown of the spreadsheets in the Essential Launchpad Foundation. Use the right side menu to skip to a specific spreadsheet.

The videos in the following documents from this section will take you through the Launchpad spreadsheet using a university business capability model as the basis for the data. You can find them in the menu to the left under the section labelled ‘How To Use the Essential Launchpad’.


Pgwoupdu9j6d1lobynov3 Sites

These are the sites within your organisation and will be for any location-based views and maps Examples: London HQ, New York, Osaka Distribution Centre

Business Domains

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The business domains your organisation has. Examples: Finance, Sales

Business Capabilities

Hczczq40adnihai7ta6ej Buscaps

The capabilities the organisation has. This is a key foundation for your enterprise architecture. See the business capability tutorial here for more information. Note you need a single root capability – create a root capability and then make sure you replicate the name in the root capability column. You then associate your level 1 capabilities with the root name as the parent capability Examples: Fund Management, Trade Management

Business Processes

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These are the logical business processes. There is no inference as to when they are performed or by which organisation. Examples: manage customer payments, create invoices.

Business Process Family

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These are used to group business processes, activities or tasks that are variants of each other into a single ‘family’, allowing them to be distinct while at the same time conveying that they are related. Examples: Invoice Processing


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The organisations within your enterprise. Where different locations have the same organisational names, e.g. Marketing in London and in Paris, then differentiate them by adding something like Marketing (London), Marketing (Paris). Examples: Marketing, Operations, IT (Milan), IT (Manchester)

Organisation to Sites

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Here you map your organisations to the sites you created earlier


Application Capabilities

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Another key foundation for your Enterprise Architecture, the application capabilities you need to support your business. Examples: Accounting Management, Trade Management

Application Services

Pwp Cwm8z8ktw2htfhntn Appservs

Application Capabilities to Application Services

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Define what services are needed to support each capability. Examples: Resource Management Capability mappped to: Time and Absence Management, Compensation Management, Payroll Management


Your application list. Examples: Workday, Oracle HR

Information Exchanged

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This is the types of information that are sent between applications Examples: Client Data, Trades, etc.

Application Dependencies

Mvh N6g 5piq0m Hsyjtb Appdeps

This is where you build your links between apps and show what data is flowing between them using the data from the Information Exchanged sheet.

Application to User Organisations

Jzqkwaur6y81i9a9rgmix Apptouser

Define the users of applications.


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The servers in the organisation. Note this can be AWS or Azure, etc. too.

Application to Server

Nm1ogozgq67 Q2k5rapei Appservs 1

Mapping the applications to the technology nodes.

Business Process to Application Services

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Mapping processes to the application services which can support them.

Physical Process to Applications and Services

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Mapping the physical processes to the applications (via application services which do support them).

Technology Domains

Iexat802 Vfmhjzqrbq3d Techdom

Mapping the physical processes to the applications (via application services which do support them).

Technology Capabilities

Epxvsoombmlrtxzawd9xc Techcap

The technology capabilities you require. Note, as this is a fairly standard layer, we provide a pre-populated set of technologies, you should add to, amend or delete these. Again, this is one of the key elements of the Enterprise Architecture for identifying EA opportunities. Examples: Messaging Services, Event Management Services

Technology Components

Kvvebblwspt9lwni0gyj2 Techcomp

The technology capabilities you require. Note, as this is a fairly standard layer, we provide a pre-populated set of technologies, you should add to, amend or delete these. Again, this is one of the key elements of the Enterprise Architecture for identifying EA opportunities. Examples: Messaging Services, Event Management Services

Technology Suppliers

O406hnkqtpdeqvgqkn L5 Techprodsupp

A list of technology suppliers – add to, amend or delete these as required Examples: Microsoft, IBM

Technology Products

 03icug8ukebdjyenq9o8 Techprods

Capture your products here. We provide a sample set, delete these out if you don’t use/want them. Examples: Apache Tomcat 9

Technology Product Families

Y81nyteeenguxkp3jjgkq Techprodfam

This provides a way of grouping technologies into families, e.g. Oracle Databases Examples: Oracle Products

Technology Products to User Organisations

 Kqd0zoadmi41lxwgvbz Techprodtoorg

Associates technologies with those parts of the organisation that use them.

Applications to Technology Products

Mma57opncdfugpjql9fuu Apptecharch

Enables you to map the technologies that applications use. This page is key for the Application Strategic Technology Alignment view and the Technology Build in the Application Summary

Data Subjects

Kp Xdxj Ufpe Ptvofvc7 Datasub

Capture your data subjects Examples: Party, Claim, Employee

Data Objects

3l7kzq X Fqf7kx5jek42 Dataobj

Capture your Data Objects Examples: Sales Order, Purchase Order

Data Object Inheritance

Xp Wf82zdjsoyk Mpd4s2 Dataobjinh

Capture your Data Objects Examples: Sales Order, Purchase Order

Data Object Attributes

Owaj9ori Gxckgccc6obs Dataattr


Updated 15 January 2024

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