Lifecycle Management is not simply about knowing the end of life or end of support dates for your applications and technology products. It’s key to understand the impact on the organisation, ultimately what processes and teams are impacted and their critically. Whilst it would be good to think that no application or technology is ever in production past its end of support date, in practise we know that this does happen – but you definitely need to know if your client onboarding process, capturing credit card and personal details, is reliant on an out of support product! Less critical processes may cause less anxiety!
The Essential Lifecycle View shows the lifecycle status of both applications and technologies and, crucially, also show the applications, organisations and processes that are reliant on them. This enables the criticality to be understood and taken into account when planning upgrades and replacements.
The lifecycle data can be ingested via the APIs or the bulk loaders, if you have a license with a provider or have it stored somewhere, or the editors make it easy for the owners to add and update their dates for their products.
Contact us for a demo or to discuss how Essential can support you.