If you’ve been keeping an eye on the forums you’ll know that we’re in the process of putting together a sample repository. The sample will take a fictional investment management company as an example and show a thin slice through all the meta-model layers to demonstrate the linkages between the different architecture concepts. We chose an investment management company as it’s an area we know well, but also because we think it is broad enough to be understood without having to be a domain expert. We’re currently populating the model and are expecting to get it out in the next couple of weeks – time permitting.
Something we’ve been asked a number of times via the forums is for a pictorial representation of the meta model, showing the links within and between layers. We have been working on this and it is nearing completion so we hope to have it up on the site within a week or so, again, time permitting.
With many people trying out Essential now, it would be great to hear views on it, and ideas as to where the tool, the website or the documentation could be improved. Please do let us have your views on the Forums.