
Essential Editors make data maintenance easy and accessible to all

We’ve realised that a number of our longer-term clients, and users moving from Open Source, still mainly use the “back end” for data capture.  Although this is a perfectly reasonable method of data capture, we would strongly recommend using the editors, as we do ourselves.  The Essential Editors make data maintenance easy and accessible to all.

We designed the editors to make data capture easier but also to allow the wider organisation to use the tool rather than just the architects.  We have made them usable by those who have no prior experience with Essential, or even any architecture modelling experience.  If you know your area, be it an application, a technology product, a process and so on, then you should be able to add and maintain data in the Essential Editors with no training at all.

An Essential administrator can also configure the editors so they can be used by a specific role, such as business analysts, or for a specific task, such as to maintain application dependencies, or for activities like surveys, for example to gather data to measure application fit across the organisation.  Using our broad suite of widgets, you can edit any of our configurable editors or you can create your own editors from scratch.  If you extend our meta-model, then you can also build editors for those changes.

Once again, because of our unique subscription model, low cost and including unlimited users, as many users as you want can be involved – there are no limits on users or artefacts to beware of.

If you’d like a demo or to discuss how Essential can support your EA efforts, contact us.


Some examples of our editors



Some videos of our editors in action

Business Portfolio Manager and Proposal Editor

AI in our Editors

Application Building Block Editor


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