Strategy Management view incomplete

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Joined: 12 Sep 2013, 13:16

Hello all

I downloaded the Essential 4 Sample Repository which finally demonstrated how to get a Strategic Roadmap up on the Viewer. However, there seems to be two oversights:

First, the enterprise/core_el_strategic_roadmap.xsl source shows it is only querying Information Strategic maps (convenient, since the sample repository only has Information plans). I have rectified this by copying the file to the user folder, updating the report definition in EA_Support/Essential_Viewer/Report/Core:Strategy Roadmap to the new file path, and changing line 69 to the following:

Code: Select all

<xsl:variable name="strategicPlans" select="/node()/simple_instance[((type='Business_Strategic_Plan') or (type='Application_Strategic_Plan') or (type='Information_Strategic_Plan') or (type='Technology_Strategic_Plan') or (type='Security_Strategic_Plan') or (type='Enterprise_Strategic_Plan')) and (name = $roadmapRelations/own_slot_value[slot_reference=':roadmap_strategic_plans']/value)]" />
I had tried to use the superior Strategic_Plan abstract class to capture all six (and any future extensions), but perhaps this is beyond my skill ;)

Second, the sample repository differs from the Essential meta-model: The sample model names the Architecture_State class Lifecycle, so replicating the sample in my own model was very confusing at first.

Unfortunately, both the meta-model and the sample report Essential Meta Model 4.0, and the sample was doubtless created after MM4.0 was published, so I cannot determine which is the correct schema. Can anyone state this with clarity?

Renaming the class had no discernible effect on functionality, but this is worth noting anyway


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Joined: 16 Feb 2009, 13:45


This is indeed a bug and we'll have this fixed in the next release (4.1) which s also fixes a wide range of other bugs. We hope to have this out this quarter.

I'll also speak to the team regarding the demo repository version and see if we can ensure we update this with 4.1 also.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, we really appreciate the feedback.


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