Single User Install...Install instructions not updated

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I'm trying to follow the single user install instructions for EA and they don't align to the current download.

The instructions talk about unpacking the Zip file and finding/moving various files to various places and so on.

But the current download is a .jar file, which doesn't seem to contain the file structure mentioned in the current install instructions.

The multi-user install instructions seem to match the downloaded file rather better, so I am proceeding to try and use multi-user without doing the database/JDBC steps.

Worst case, if I need a database to get through the install, I will install HSQLDB (Pure Java DB supporting JDBC with no admin requirements I think, can use JRE1.6 which is what I have on work machine--hence no MySQL, and it's the same DB used in Libreoffice/Openoffice and should be up to the job)
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Hi MilesT,

Which Single User Install details are you reading?

The ones at this page ... tand-alone

Seem to refer to the JAR file.

Do make sure you have the software pre-requisites installed before running the Essential installer. ... requisites


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You are right, the links you shared seem to match.

I looked again, and this link does not match ... ne-install

So I'm not going mad....

I'm not sure why I picked up on that link rather than the others....
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We had a major issue with our site a little while ago and have subsequently suffered with rogue links such as these. We're planning to rebuild the site over the next few months which should make finding this information a lot more straightforward. Hope this didn't cause you too much trouble.

Additionally, I'd suggest following the single user install unless you are actually planning to do a full server install. The multi-user install is more complex and you'll need to set aside a few hours to get it up and running. The single-user install should only take you 10-15 mins.


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Well, I am a bit blocked in terms of completing the install on my "no admin" Windows machine because the Essential installer jar immediately pops up a Windows admin login (clearly it is touching a directory that is admin controlled).

And doing thing's "no admin" is taking longer than 10-15 minutes

So I will work on remaining parts of the install on a home machine and watch the install to see where essential installer has put files

NB: I am installing all the software on a drive I do have access to which is not the C drive but is drive mapped (in my case a DFS synchronised home drive, but could be a USB stick).

I realise that I may have to create .bat files to set environment variables to start up software (Tomcat etc.) and also to allow for an odd JRE path naming on windows (it's jre6/bin rather than jre/bin in my java install), but I have got protege working, should be able to get Graphviz working, and hopefully Tomcat.

At the end of this journey I should be able to document a fully "portable" USB install (not needing PortableApps framework, although maybe I should look at doing that, might turn out to be quicker)

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Thanks Miles

Installing outside of the C: drive and Program Files is certainly a good approach. All of the components are Java based (with the exception of GraphViz) and are happy to be installed wherever you want.

The installer itself attempts to gain elevated status to enable it to write to folders in C:\Program Files, which is what is causing it to ask for admin user details. However, if it is to install GraphViz, that's what it needs to be able to do.

It would be great to hear the results of your efforts with this.
Thanks again for posting your experiences

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This installation instruction page also talks about downloading a Zip file instead of a Jar file: "Having downloaded the from the Download section" ... ne-install

Presumably these are out of date instructions?
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