Providing a limited set of reports to some users

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Posts: 5
Joined: 29 Sep 2020, 03:55

i have created a portal that only contains the reports required by a user group that doesn't have the skills to safely use the class editor and doesn't need to see the large range of viewers that would have not content.

I have also assigned security and am able to ensure that these users can only see my portal, and not the other default port, the Enterprise Architecture portal.

However, I have been unable to do two things:

1. to disable access to the 'View Library' that contains all views - this is not defined as a portal, report or any other element against which security access can be assigned as far as I can tell.

2. to ensure that the user cannot still get to the dashboard (which only shows the relevant repository) and from there to Capture and the class structure and editor. I have tried various settings without success.

Guidance appreciated.

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Posts: 452
Joined: 16 Feb 2009, 13:45

Hi Mike,

View Library is a report much like any other view and therefore you should be able to apply the same security you have applied elsewhere. In the list of Report instances, it is called "Core: View Library".

Currently, there is no way to prevent a user from accessing the main repository application (Essential Data Manager) although you can set permissions to provide read-only access and disable access to other functions such as import, publish, etc. Permissions are set at both a platform and repository level therefore you will need to review the settings for each.

Configure > System Administration > Manage Users
(for each repository) Select a repository then go to Configure > Repository Administration > Manage Users

You can set default permissions for new users in the System Admin screen and you can edit multiple users settings at once if you need to.

Let us know how you get on.


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