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Application Rationalisation

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 10:16
by rakesh

I am new to this platform (Open Source version) and I need some help to perform application rationalisation for my inventory. Below are some of my queries:

a) Can the tool automatically score applications based on attributes like technology recency, technology stability, risk factors associated with technology etc. etc. Or is there any way how I can define those scoring parameters across these attributes? Can I manually add these attributes in tool?
b) And does it automatically give a disposition recommendation if we define that disposition framework E.g. if overall score calculated for any application is 4.5/5 we need to retain that application etc. etc.


Re: Application Rationalisation

Posted: 15 Feb 2024, 19:46
by JohnM
Hi Rakesh,

Yes, you can use performance measures to do this. The model is shown here: ... landscape/. You can define any service qualities you like.

At the moment, the application summary will pick up the data, you'd need to create your own views for anything else.

We can infer disposition based on these and are due to start some work on this next quarter (there is no out of the box views for this). For now, you can set disposition on the application directly using the disposition slot

