Admin access

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Joined: 11 Apr 2014, 15:48

I need to get into protege as an admin to make some changes. The prior admin no longer works for our company and we are having difficulty contacting him. Not asking for any hacking tricks, it's a production system that we don't want to break. Just want to know if there is an out of the box default admin ID and password that we could try.

Several folks in the office use Essential Modeler and Protege, but none of us know how to add/modefy objects.

Any help you can offer would be great.

Thanks in advance
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Joined: 16 Feb 2009, 13:45


The answer to this question is very much "it depends on your configuration".

Can you access the meta-project on the server directly? You can create a new admin from there.

Has Essential been set up as multi-user with a database?

If so, does anyone have any passwords for the database?

Section 14 of our multi-user installation has an example username/password. Perhaps the admin used these? ... multi-user

Another option might be to download a snapshot of the repository and redo the server setup and configuration.

If this all sounds a little too technical, you can get in touch with us via the Services menu at the top of this page and we can discuss options for addressing this issue.


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