Essential Viewer Error

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After installing required software and gone through the tutorial I tried to use the essential viewer, after clicking publish repository I get this message
Rendering repository...
Sending repository snapshot...
Checking for access...
Sending XML snapshot...
Exception encountered during send
Failed send snapshot to the Report Service
No response from Report Service at this URL

I have checked the repository and I can view it
On the command line there is an error that shows
I/O exception (> caught when processing request: Software caused connection abort: socket write error

I have looked up this error and Im not getting much luck identifying solution for it.

Help...!!! I've installed all the required software. I'm using Windows 7 machine as a trial...

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Generally, this is a result of the Essential Viewer web application not being available in Tomcat.

You can check a few things.

Is Tomcat running? Go to http://localhost:8080 and see if you get the Tomcat home page. If not, you need to start Tomcat.

Has the webapp essential_viewer.war deployed correctly? Look in the webapps folder in your Tomcat installation folder and you should see both essential_viewer.war and a folder called essential_viewer. If not, restart Tomcat.

If you can try these and report back, then we'll look to see if you need any further help.


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Tomcat runs and both war files are in webapps folder under essential_viewer...

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Tomcat runs and war files in webapps essential_viewer folder.
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The essential_viewer.war file is found under webapps - I created a sub-directory called essential_viewer.

I can run tomcat on localhost:8080

Also I tried to uninstall tomcat 7 and installed version 6 instead. But with same error message.
Would be great to get pass the viewer so I can see how the report is this is the bit that can be viewed by others.

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I have checked that tomcat runs on http://localhost:8080
Also the war files exists in /webapps

I have also downgraded tomcat from ver 7 to 6 and with similar errors.

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I have exactly the same problem. I can confirm Tomcat is installed fine and the essential viewer is available via http://localhost:8080/essential_viewer/ ... e&cl=en-gb .

Correct version of Protege installed with other assorted components.

I note the following from the Tomcat logs:

07-Sep-2014 12:16:47.907 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.startInternal Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/8.0.12
07-Sep-2014 12:16:47.938 INFO [localhost-startStop-1] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deploying web application archive C:\Applications\apache-tomcat-8.0.12\webapps\essential_import_utility.war
07-Sep-2014 12:16:59.265 INFO [localhost-startStop-1] org.zkoss.zk.ui.http.WebManager.<init>:113 Starting ZK EE (build: 2011051910)
07-Sep-2014 12:16:59.296 INFO [localhost-startStop-1] org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.ConfigParser.parseConfigXml:159 Loading system default
07-Sep-2014 12:16:59.499 INFO [localhost-startStop-1] org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.ConfigParser.parse:275 Parsing file:/C:/Applications/apache-tomcat-8.0.12/webapps/essential_import_utility/WEB-INF/zk.xml
07-Sep-2014 12:16:59.514 SEVERE[localhost-startStop-1] org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.ConfigParser.parse:468 Unknown element: session-timeout, at [SYS file:/C:/Applications/apache-tomcat-8.0.12/webapps/essential_import_utility/WEB-INF/zk.xml line 8 col 19]
07-Sep-2014 12:17:00.326 WARNING [localhost-startStop-1] org.zkoss.zkex.init.WebAppInit.init:29 This is an evaluation copy of ZK EE and will terminate after sixty days from the first date of installation. Should you require an open source license or commercial license for ZK EE please contact us at [email protected] for more information. Alternatively you can download ZK CE which is licensed under the LGPL.
07-Sep-2014 12:17:00.404 INFO [localhost-startStop-1] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deployment of web application archive C:\Applications\apache-tomcat-8.0.12\webapps\essential_import_utility.war has finished in 12,450 ms
07-Sep-2014 12:17:00.404 INFO [localhost-startStop-1] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deploying web application archive C:\Applications\apache-tomcat-8.0.12\webapps\essential_viewer.war
07-Sep-2014 12:17:04.975 INFO [localhost-startStop-1] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deployment of web application archive C:\Applications\apache-tomcat-8.0.12\webapps\essential_viewer.war has finished in 4,571 ms

I'm not a Java developer: I've had a look around the FAQs and Docs but its not clear whether the essential_import_utility is the compnent that listens for and passes the output from Protege?... If so perhaps the logs above might be relevant.

Hope someone can shed a bit more light.

Many Thanks,

Julian Cobbett
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This is quite unusual as we rarely encounter errors with deploying the Viewer.

Firstly, I'd check there is sufficient memory allocated to Tomcat. If you installed Tomcat via the installer wizard then you should have a tray icon for Tomcat. Open this up and set the min memory at 256m and the max at 1536m. You'll need to restart Tomcat for this to take effect.

If it's still not working then I'd try copying the essential_viewer.war file from the webapps folder to a safe location (e.g. Desktop). I'd then look to remove any Essential related files from the webapps folder. I'd then copy the WAR file back to the webapps folder where it should then unpack itself. You may need a Tomcat restart to trigger this.

Finally, you should browse to http://localhost:8080/essential_viewer

This should provide you with the Essential Viewer home page. When you're able to access this page then you will be able to publish from Protege to the Essential Viewer.

Hope this helps,

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Hi Neil,

I did everything you suggested to no avail...

Still not able to access or run essential viewer

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It sounds to me like we have two slightly different situations here.

Bien is getting no response from Essential Viewer either in the Web Browser or the Essential Viewer tab (in Protege) on http://localhost:8080/essential_viewer

However, Julian is seeing a response in the web browser on http://localhost:8080/essential_viewer but is not able to publish.

Is that correct?

Neil has a good point about the memory. In addition to making sure that there is enough available to Tomcat (using the Maximum memory setting within Tomcat's Java environment), it is important that Protege has enough memory to render the snapshot of the repository and then publish this to Tomcat.

Can you both confirm that you have increased the default maximum memory in Protege to 1536M or higher, as per the following article?
Setting the Heap Size in Protege

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Just in case you're having an issue with the WAR file itself, here is a link to a copy of the essential_viewer.war file.

Delete any essential_viewer.war files and any essential_viewer folders in the existing webapps folder.

Tomcat should deploy (unpack) this WAR file automatically. Do not unzip this file. Similarly, WAR files must be copied to the webapps folder itself and not any sub-folders.

Let us know how you get on.


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Still not working...even with added memory.

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Hi Bien,

I'm at little unsure of what things you've tried so before we try to offer any more help can you provide some confirmation on the following. The more information you can provide the better...


Do you have full administrator rights to the PC you are using?

Is the PC "locked down" in anyway?

When you ran the Essential installation wizard, did you specify any paths different from the default?

Have you manually created any folders/subfolders within Tomcat?

Are the WAR files in the root of the webapps folder?

Can you provide screenshots of the following?
- The Tomcat webapps folder
- The http://localhost:8080 screen in a browser
- The http://localhost:8080/essential_viewer screen in a browser

Did you try downloading the copy of the WAR file I posted?

If so, when you copy this to the Tomcat webapps folder, does it auto-deploy i.e. does it unpack itself without any intervention from yourself?

I think once we understand these things we can look at what the root cause of the problem is here. As I said earlier, the more information you can provide us regarding the installation then the better we can help.


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Hi Neil,

Thank you so much - I found out what I was doing wrong.

I created a folder called essential_viewer under webapps. I think I did this at installation - I must have jumped ahead of myself there thinking I needed to manually create it.

I didn't actually see that response regarding downloading the war file.

Of course when unpacking the essential_viewer.war files it will not unpack because of the existing folder it cannot be read. I also placed essential viewer.war file under the essential_viewer folder.

I downloaded the war file you provided and I used Tomcat to unpack it under the webapps root folder and went to localhost:8080/essential_viewer and viola! all there...

Now on to getting information into the intances...

Thanks heaps at least it is now generating the report.

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Thanks for posting the solution that you found.

Great to hear - and do let us know how you get on from here.

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Very first solution: I tried provided solution but it didn't solve the issue. The reason being that in case if you have everything installed correct and working at browser level can still get this error. Means, if your Essential Viewer is perfect in your browser and available at http://localhost:8080/essential_viewer can still have this issue [if your essential viewer is not available with localhost, try replacing localhost with your machine name].

Ok, so then what is the issue?
Answer is - Nothing :)

there is a trick, go to your http://localhost:8080/essential_viewer and hit enter....
browser will redirect to full url [something like - http://localhost:8080/essential_viewer/ ... e&cl=en-gb]. Wait for complete homepage load and then copy the url. Now use this url in Protege while publishing instead of http://localhost:8080/essential_viewer.

and then publish, :D it worked ! correct?
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I had similar issue and none of suggestion given here worked. I could resolve publishing issue of Protege by using full url instead of http://localhost:8080/essential_viewer/ from browser for essential viewer.
It looks like http://localhost:8080/essential_viewer/ ... LABEL=Home
But even it resolves Protege publishing issue, but essential viewer doesn't show anything.

after long if and buts, the solution was using Tomcat 6.0.41 and not any higher version. Now everything works as desired.
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To publish to the Viewer, only the first part of the URL is correct. All other parameters in that URL will be ignored and should not be used in the "Essential Viewer" field.

All that's required is http://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/essential_viewer

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By no means I mean to hijck this thread, but I join in with this problem.
I installed everything and entered some test data, while reading the tutorials. Then I wanted to test the viewer and got the same error. If I enter localhosz:8080/essential_viewer the result is:
Exception encountered during send
Failed to send snapshot to the Report Service:
No response from teh Report Service at this URL.
The command window shows:
I/O exception ( caught when processing request: Software caused connection abort: socket write error.

I can access the viewer in my browser by entering the URL. If I check the session list in Tomcat it is empty.
On the other hand if I enter http://localhost:8080/essential_viewer/report?
as the Viewer URL (or copy the URL from the browser) it will open up two sessions (and not close them in the end) with the tomcat server, go through with sending and result in "Sent images: 0" and claiming success.

I tried reinstalling all components, but no avail. Right now I am using Tomcat 8.0.21.

Any further recommendations or things to check if everything is interacting properly?
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This is most likely due to the '/' issue that we have encountered with Tomcat 8. Please see this post here, which explains how to resolve it.

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