Essential v5 setup problems

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I am really excited to see v5 available. The Essential Viewer got installed and run fine, I can see the new Knowledge Portal homepage. But

1. When I navigate to the Import Utility, it shows a blank page. I tried it both on Windows and Mac, both running Tomcat 7. Also tried both the fresh install and the upgrade install, see the same blank page. Am I missing something for this v5?

2. Please can anyone provide some brief instruction on how to "revert" to the OLD home screen of Essential Viewer after the v5 upgrade. As the client would like just to see the customised logo, a simple banner and the boxes, similar to the new View Library page:

http://localhost:8080/essential%5Fviewe ... l&cl=en-gb
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1. We've tested the Import Utility on Tomcat 7 and 8 with no problems. I've just re-tested the download version and it works fine here. Perhaps it's a Tomcat configuration issue. How much memory do you have allocated to Tomcat? It will need at least 1GB to run and around 2GB if you have a your trying to import large-ish spreadsheets (a couple of thousand objects). If you're bringing in 10's of thousands of objects then you may need 3GB or more.

2. To use the View Library as the home page you can browse to EA_Class > EA_Support > Essential_Viewer > Report_Constant. Fine the instance called "Home Page" and set the report constant value as "view_library.xsl". However, I'd strongly suggest looking at creating a custom portal using the new "Portal Configuration" section (also under Essential_Viewer) as it allows you to create a portal with just a collection of views that target your client's focus area. There's a example portal in the out-of-the-box repository. I'd suggest keeping that as a worked example but just turning it off. Using this Portal Configuration, you can create a portal in just a few minutes and still have access to the View Library when you need to.

Finally, you can brand the Viewer using the new Viewer Styling class (also under Essential_Viewer). The first thing you'll probably want to do is copy the client logo into the "user" folder of the Essential Viewer webapp. The logo will ideally need to be a white on transparent logo. Most companies have a version of the logo like this they use for creating corporate documents where the put the logo on a coloured background. Next create a new instance of Viewer_Styling called "MyClientName". Set the colours to the corporate colours using the hex values (e.g. #6ef726). Set the path to the logo e.g. user/mylogo.png. Finally make the style active by checking the box. Don't forget to make the default style inactive.

Any problems then drop a note back here.


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Thank you for such details instructions.

1. The first problem disappeared after rebooting machine, so I does not know if the culprit is insufficient memory for Tomcat or not. I was also thinking it might be due to the fact that I have four apps running in tomcat ( the old and new viewer + import util), but today I was able to open four browser tabs on the four apps., which means I cannot re-create the "blank screen" problem with import util

2. I am so glad to learn this new portal config and the viewer_styling, which means I can have the SAME Protege ontology to house multiple client's info, and by checking the appropriate boxes, I can deploy to different client's Viewer. Save me a lot of hassles!
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2. I am so glad to learn this new portal config and the viewer_styling, which means I can have the SAME Protege ontology to house multiple client's info, and by checking the appropriate boxes, I can deploy to different client's Viewer. Save me a lot of hassles!
I'm not sure what you mean by this...

Surely multiple clients would have different data sets held in different Protege projects? The portals don't separate the content of the repository, then merely provide a way of grouping views. Similarly, the Viewer Styling allows different logos and colours but are Viewer-wide.

Can you expand a little on what you're trying to achieve?


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Thanks for updating us.

Certainly restarting those Tomcat instances will make sure that no old versions are being cached. A reboot makes certain that everything is starting from a known point.

Great to hear that you've got it all working.

Keep us posted with how you get on

Essential Project Team
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