Launchpad v5 - Next Version

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Posts: 57
Joined: 04 Feb 2009, 15:44

Hi All,

We're just starting work on the next version of the Launchpad and we're thinking of adding extensions for Lifecycles and Suppliers.

Would be very interested to hear your views and any suggestions you have for how we can improve it.

Posts: 11
Joined: 31 Aug 2023, 15:05


I am trying to add Supplier column to Applications worksheet in the Launchpad. I followed the steps below:

1. I added the column in the Launchpad and added also the Supplier Check
2. I clicked on Edit Import Specifications and defined under Application worksheet a Simple Instance for Supplier
3. Under Simple Instance for Application Class when trying to add an Instance Slot for the ap_supplier I was not able to view in the Instance selection the variable defined at the previous step.

Could you please help?

Thank you,
Elena B
Posts: 57
Joined: 04 Feb 2009, 15:44

Hi Elena,

In the Import Spec the Simple Instance that you have created for the Supplier needs to be above the Application Simple Instance - if it is below it will not pick it up. You can move it up by selecting it and clicking on the Move Up button.

Could that be the issue?

Posts: 11
Joined: 31 Aug 2023, 15:05

Hi Sarah,

Thank your for your prompt response. I did what you suggested and it worked.

Best regards,
Elena B
Posts: 5
Joined: 10 Apr 2023, 07:12

Maintaining IDs of entries, instead using names for matching would improve integrity of imports/exports. The new EA Assistant providing Replace Data/Merge data options should work for the Launchpad. We still feel "tethered to the Launchpad", as the fastest way for a bulk data update (e.g. where a supplier gets taken over and renames their applications in bulk).

Remove the blank row between the headers and data to enable easy sorting in the Spreadsheet. (we've done this internally and adjusted the import)
Add more reference data (we've added RPO and RTO values) and ideally most of Luanchpad+ items.

Here are some things we've done or are about to add, which may be useful to others.
We added the following to the import spec for Suppliers, RPO, RTO, Criticality and Sensitivity to the Applications sheet. Considering adding a number of users.

Add Data Domains/Subdomains import/export to enable the data playbook would be important and would support the Information Reference Model Dashboard.

Add Roles, Costs and Resources (FTE supporting) sheets.

Most importantly, Import Spec should be able to be used for Launchpad Export, so that Import/Export are aligned.
Currently we can customise the Import Spec, but not the Export. Using Query builder is overly slow and manual (we may need to start building a library).
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Joined: 17 Feb 2009, 20:19

I've fed this back to the team.

Regarding "Import Spec should be able to be used for Launchpad Export, so that Import/Export are aligned." Launchpad Export works with the current Launchpad Import Spec, so can I confirm, you want export to handle any additional fields you add to your import spec?
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Joined: 10 Apr 2023, 07:12

Yes, as we are expanding/changing the import spec, it should become the import/export spec. Alternatively. I need to tweak XSLT files used by the Launchpad exporter (from the GitHub), which is tedious.
Posts: 5
Joined: 10 Apr 2023, 07:12

Yes - the objective is to maintain high-fidelity and accuracy import and export capabilities.
E.g. we import RPO, RTO, Criticality, Security classifications, Suppliers with the Applications through the expanded Import Spec.
However, these additional attributes are not easily exportable, unless we create and save queries using the query builder or we edit the Launchpad views.
The "high-fidelity" aspect would be improved if Import/Export would retain IDs from the spreadsheet (e.g. for Applications and Business Capabilities). These are stored in the metamodel but not used when exporting, which is a shame, especially for hierarchical entries, like Business Capabilities where the order matters.
EA Assistant Merge and Replace options are welcome, along with XSLX support. We just need them Export aligned with the Import Specs!
If you wonder why - we had several suppliers changing company names (which impacted application names) and replacing this in Excel is far faster than doing it in the metamodel or via Editors.
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