Creating Custom Editor Components

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Declan Lynch
Posts: 17
Joined: 14 Jun 2022, 17:47

In V6.19.0 a new Strategic Plan Panel editor component was added. This component allows you to setup planned changes to different element types ( like process, app, tech product ) and then select an action and the delivery project.

I'm wondering if it is possible to build a similar editor component that does practically the same function but does it from a Project point of view. ie, from a project editor you can select the planned changes and then set what the action is and the strategic plan is. Is there a way to get the editor code and then drop a copy in to the user folder that has been changed to make it work from the Project POV?
Posts: 72
Joined: 01 Jul 2017, 07:05

Hi Declan,

we do have an editor component that I believe should meet this specific requirement. You can add it to a Project Editor in the editor builder by doing the following:

1. From any configurable editor with Project as the anchor class, select any Section in the component tree on the left
2. Click Add Component... -> Add Slot...
3. Select the "Strategic Plans Supported" slot, then select types of Strategic Plans that you want to be able to select/create. Note: we recommend just using the Enterprise Strategic Plan class as it can contain planned changes to any class
4. Select the list of classes against which you would like to create planned changes, e.g. Composite Application Provider, Business Process, Technology Product, then click Confirm

Change Activity Strategic Plans 1.png

5. Once added, you will see the configuration options for the new Panel'
Change Activity Strategic Plans 2.png

6. Publish your repository and then the resulting editor should contain a panel where you can select or create Strategic Plans that are ifully or partially mplement by the Project and then define the planned changes of the Strategic Plans that are specifically implemented by the Project
Change Activity Strategic Plans 3.png

I hope this meets your needs.
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Declan Lynch
Posts: 17
Joined: 14 Jun 2022, 17:47

That is fantastic it does exactly what I was looking for.
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