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customise meta-model to reflect architecture standards

Posted: 23 Jan 2023, 07:48
by vivek

We are a Essential Cloud client. We have a need to make application architecture standards recommendation on each of our applications . We were thinking of adopting TOGAF 10 architecture standards classification namely Proposed, provisional, Active, Phasing out and retired standards. This construct would be equally applicable to other architecture layers such as business, information, tech in the future.

Please note this is different to lifecycle status such as prototype, pilot, production etc.

A few questions:

1) Is this currently captured in any of the enumerations or elsewhere in the Essential Meta Model.
2) Is there any specific documentation on guidelines to customise the meta model.

I would appreciate any advise or pointers to documentation.


Re: customise meta-model to reflect architecture standards

Posted: 06 Apr 2023, 07:25
by sarah.smith
Hi Vivek,

We manage application standards by adding the standard to the Application Provider Role – so you are setting the standard against the usage of the app. This allows you to say, for example, that App A is our standard for Employee Onboarding but App B is our standard for Payroll Management. You can view this in the Application Reference Model, which shows how many applications you have performing a service and what the standard for each app is. You can update it in the Application Editor in the Application Functionality (Services) section (in Cloud/Docker) or in the capture tool in the "Apr has Standard Specs" slot on the App Pro Role class – you add the standard strength and you can also, optionally, add a geographic or organisational scope to note if you have different standards in different regions. You can also add your own terms for standards in the Standard Strength enumeration – Capture/EA Support/Utilities/Enumeration/Standard Strength. We have used Mandatory, Permitted, Recommended, Waiver Required, but you can add whatever terms you want. Note that you need a name, value and sequence number.

Hope that helps.
