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Technology Reference Model - not displaying

Posted: 03 May 2022, 15:08
by john.nordien

We have populated the latest Launchpad with our data for the Technology Layer and performed an Import of the data.
We have checked that everything was imported.
We have compared things with our local Essential Open Source.
However, the following views are not displaying anything or are incorrect
  • Technology Reference Model
    Technology Reference and Standards Model
We have checked the IT Asset Dashboard (attached) for completeness and things seem to be OK.

How do we get the Reference Models to display?

John Nordien.

Re: Technology Reference Model - not displaying

Posted: 04 May 2022, 12:51
by JohnM
Hi John,

Can you drop the attached file in your user folder, change the path in your browser to be xsl=user/core_tl_tech_ref_model_checker.xsl. and send us a screenshot please.

If you need help then just let us know



Re: Technology Reference Model - not displaying

Posted: 04 May 2022, 14:28
by john.nordien
Here is screenshot..

Re: Technology Reference Model - not displaying

Posted: 11 May 2022, 14:01
by john.nordien
The Technology Reference Model is now displaying. It may have resulted from my support ticket regarding the Technology Product Catalog views not completely working.
However, the Technology Reference and Standards Model view is still not displaying.
John Nordien.

Re: Technology Reference Model - not displaying

Posted: 11 May 2022, 16:28
by JohnM
Hi John,

I'll ask the Support teams to pick this up. It's probably related to the issue with the data on the other view
