Import Protege files from Essential Open Source

Posts: 56
Joined: 17 Sep 2019, 14:50
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA

We have just started using Essential Cloud and are still crawling & exploring.
We have been using Essential Open Source as a Proof of Concept.
I exported Protege files and used them to import into our Essential Cloud SANDBOX.
When I did that I noticed right away that the Editors had disappeared in Viewer 3.
Glad that I had taken a SNAPSHOT. I restored things back.
I then noticed that our Essential Open Source was way out of date. We were running on v6.11.
There were far fewer Editors in the ontology database.
I have applied all available updates to v6.14.5.
I have seen that there are now extra Editors but there are some differences.

What is the best way to import our current repository and still have the proper Editors?

John Nordien.
Posts: 56
Joined: 17 Sep 2019, 14:50
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA

I have compared the Editors from Essential Cloud (baseline repository) and our Essential Open Source (EOS) in the Classes for Essential_Viewer\Editor_Configuration\Editor_Section and they match.
Prior I was comparing the EOS using the Protege client with the Essential Cloud Viewer list of Editors.

Posts: 56
Joined: 17 Sep 2019, 14:50
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA

This topic can be archived.
We have moved away from this tactic and have recreated everything from our Essential Open Source to the latest Launchpad and performed Import.
John Nordien.