Fields needed to complete certain Views

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Posts: 34
Joined: 02 Sep 2019, 11:37


I have a couple of specific questions on where to find and populate the data to get maximum value from a couple of Views

1. In the Business Capability - Application Fit View, where is the data maintained to show the Business Fit and Technical Fit? - I cant see any obvious field in the Composite Application Provider class?

2. In the Application Cost Analysis View, where is the maintained to show the Differentiation Level - again, I cant see the obvious field in the Composite Application Provider class?

Thanks for the help in advance

Posts: 521
Joined: 17 Feb 2009, 20:19

Hi Rob,

You need Performance Measures, Business Service Qualities and Business Service Quality Values. An app has a Performance Measure associated with it. The pattern is:

Application > Performance Measure > Service Quality Value > Service Quality so, for example:

Technology fit:
App1 > Technology Performance Measure (element=’App1’, level = ‘Average – 3’) > Technology Service Quality Value (value = ‘Average’, score = ‘3’) > Technology Service Quality (‘Technical Fit’)

For business it is the same pattern, replace Technology with Business in the above and the Business Service Quality should be ‘Business Fit’

The best approach is to use Launchpad Plus to associate the data with the apps.

2. You need a Taxonomy - 'Application Differentiation Level' and Taxonomy Terms tied to it, e.g. System of Differentiation, System of Innovation, System of Record. Against apps, classify them with one of these.

Hope that helps
Posts: 34
Joined: 02 Sep 2019, 11:37

Hi John

Thanks - very helpful.

On (2), that was very easy and I can see that is set at Composite Application Provider level.

On (1), I tried initially to set Performance Measures at Composite Application Provider level manually- which sets up OK, but doesnt come into the View. Then I realized, when I used Launchpad Plus as suggested, that the View looks at a much more granular level (at the App Provide to Business Relationship level) and I tested it and it was fine. So it would need Launchpad to maintain that (although we would want to have 1 value really at App level). Colours work OK, assume the Legend at top right of View with rating + colour is hardcoded and so I would align colours to that

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