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How to model one common Value Stage belongs to multiple Value Streams?

Posted: 11 Mar 2024, 17:32
by xiaoqi

Working on some of our Value Streams currently, we have two Value Streams which have quite similar purpose, the only difference is they are serving different internal business units.

So, when modeling the Value Stages, say, there're 6 stages end to end, I found only the #5 stage is in different, so I'd like those rest of the Value Stages can be used commonly by these 2 Value Streams.

But the current constriants in the Value_Stream form, looks like the rule is "Value Stages" can only belong to one single Value Stream, when I select the existing Value Strage from 2nd Value Stream, it is disappeared from the 1st Value Stream. So the current working way is to create those value stage in duplicated manner then connect to each Value Stream.

May I know whether in our meta-model it could be possibly adjustable and not impact other relationship? Refer to attached view, am I understand correctly that our model rule is "Value Stage" has at most 1 "Value Stream"?

Thanks a lot,