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How do we map Regulatory Bodies in the Model

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 08:50
by closch
Is anyone modelling regulatory bodies and how they map to the business model (which business units/regions they apply to, regulated applications etc.)

I'm thinking things like mapping PCI-DSS impacting our Customer Account Management system, across all regions etc.

If so, could you explain how you've done this - and whether you extended the Metamodel to do so?


Re: How do we map Regulatory Bodies in the Model

Posted: 01 Jul 2020, 12:34
by jasonp

the diagram below describes how we believe that your scenario could be modelled using the out-of-the-box meta-model together with a couple of minor slot extensions (note: we already plan to add the stakeholder slot to EA_Relation).
Contextual Regulatory Management.png
In summary, this approach allows you to define the Organisation that is playing the role of "Regulatory Body", that is responsible for monitoring the compliance of a given EA element, to a specific Regulation, within a given geographic scope.



Re: How do we map Regulatory Bodies in the Model

Posted: 01 Jul 2020, 15:25
by closch
Thx Jason, I'll give that a go, let you know how it works out.