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Business Process - Process Steps not displaying

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 21:14
by BrendanYano

Recently when creating business processes within Essential (v6.5) we've noticed that some of the time the Process Steps are not populating as they usually do.
We simply get a "No data available in table" message. I am still doing some trouble shooting, but it may be related to starting a process with a Decision item.
I've attached some screen shots that display the process flow, the corresponding process model for one of the processes I've created recently.

I have tried this same process with the "Start" and "End" objects and without them both times the process steps did not populate.
We use a business activity called "(End Process)" so that a process end is displayed in the model, I've tried removing that activity and the process steps still do not display properly.

I have tried adding a Test activity between the Initiating event and the first decision when I did this the process steps did display.



Re: Business Process - Process Steps not displaying

Posted: 30 Sep 2019, 12:06
by JohnM

The process steps code doesn't like the event to decision relationship, it's expecting some activity to initiate the decision after the event. If you put a step between them then the steps will populate. We'll put something on the backlog to look at this.