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How to define Application uses Application Function relation?

Posted: 18 Mar 2018, 00:48
by SNutulap
I have an application (Example: Teller) that provides "Transaction Management" service.
It also provides, "Deposit Transaction", "Withdraw Transaction" functions.
I need to be using that function through other applications like "", "BranchBank" ...
Thus, I need to be able to express "Branch Bank" uses "Deposit Transaction". Archimate supports various types of relationships and thus, i could express there. How do I do that in Essential?

Re: How to define Application uses Application Function relation?

Posted: 26 Mar 2018, 12:16
by jasonp

I have attached a repository containing an example of how we would model the dependencies that you have described. The steps taken were as follows:
  1. Create the ‘Transaction Management’ Application Service with Application Functions ‘Deposit Transaction’ and ‘Withdraw Transaction’
  2. Create the ‘Teller’ Application Provider with Application Functions Implementations that implement the ‘Deposit Transaction’ and ‘Withdraw Transaction’ Application Functions
  3. Create the ‘Branch Bank’ Application Provider and then create its Application Dependencies as a Static Application Architecture
  4. In the ‘Branch Bank’ Static Application Architecture,
    1. Drag a square green node onto the diagram and double click to define it as a usage of the ‘Branch Bank’ Application Provider
    2. Drag a purple diamond node onto the diagram and double click to define it as a usage of the ‘Teller::Deposit Transaction” Function Implementation
    3. Drag a line from the ‘Branch Bank’ node to the ‘Teller:Depositor Transaction’ node to create the dependency
This may appear to require quite a few steps, however, once you have created the core logical applications and functions, it is really only step 4 that is needed to create dependencies as required.

I hope this helps.

