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What data makes the "Technology Reference Model"

Posted: 23 Sep 2015, 18:49
From what data in the repository is the "Technology Reference Model" in Essential Viewer generated? I can't find it defined anywhere.

Re: What data makes the "Technology Reference Model"

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 08:05
by Trent.shields
Hi David,

In case you are still struggling with this, I had a quick look through the code and as far as I can ascertain there are two primary components on the Technology Capability class (within protege) which drives the creation of the technology reference model.

The first required part is the realised by technology components field. Here you simply put in the relevant components you want to appear on the model for each capability (i.e. layer in the TRM).

Secondly you need to assign the technology capability to a layer in the Technology reference model. You do this via the Classified As field on the Technology Capability class . The specific Taxonomy Terms start with 'Technology Capability Layers'.

If you are still struggling with this let me know, my version of the TRM is heavily customised so I was unable to test.


Re: What data makes the "Technology Reference Model"

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 08:50
by jonathan.carter
Thanks Trent,

That's pretty much it. The view uses a Taxonomy (Technology Capability Layers) to control how the layout works. The view uses these layers for the graphical layout and you simply map your Technology Capabilities to these taxonomy terms to control where the different capabilities should appear on the graphic.

For each capability, the view finds the Technology Components that are associated with each capability and renders them in the section of the view in which that capability will appear.
