Sharing of Essential Reports

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Hi All,

We are a large $60 billion company and have been using Essential for 5 months. We have built up the data based on projects, capabilities, risk, governance, application etc...

We have built up around 20 new reports.

We are happy to share reports, views and experience with other organizations as we take our knowledge tool to new levels and are looking for an exchange of ideas, reports, metamodel designs, etc. We have also embed a number of javascript libraries, including d3 and timeline.js

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Hi Colin,

We'd love to hear more about what kind of things you're doing with Essential and there are a number of ways for you to share with the The Essential Project.

Would it be ok to contact you directly to discuss this?


Neil Walsh
Essential Project Team
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Location: Australia

I Neil,

I am more than happy for you to contact me directly. I used my work email address to register. Happy to provide phone number if you wish to contact this way.


neil.walsh wrote:Hi Colin,

We'd love to hear more about what kind of things you're doing with Essential and there are a number of ways for you to share with the The Essential Project.

Would it be ok to contact you directly to discuss this?


Neil Walsh
Essential Project Team

colinfrewen wrote:...

We are happy to share reports, views and experience with other organizations as we take our knowledge tool to new levels and are looking for an exchange of ideas, reports, metamodel designs, etc. We have also embed a number of javascript libraries, including d3 and timeline.js...
Hi Colin
The things you've done look great. Would really appreciate you sharing your reports and maybe get a discussion going. We are just embarking on our Essential journey.
Where you based geographically? I am in Australia.
Best regards, Pascal.


In my company we are starting the application of Essential we see the need to customize the reports I would like to know if they can provide me the xsl that are seen in the demo such as idp_il_process_to_data_view since in the version that they install they are not found and if they could share the need to personalize the reports I would like to know if you can please provide me the xsl that are seen in the demo such as idp_il_process_to_data_view since in the version you install are not found and if you could share the ones mentioned by Colin

Thank you very much for your guide


In my company we are starting the application of Essential we see the need to customize the reports I would like to know if they can provide me the xsl that are seen in the demo such as idp_il_process_to_data_view since in the version that they install they are not found and if they could share the need to personalize the reports I would like to know if you can please provide me the xsl that are seen in the demo such as idp_il_process_to_data_view since in the version you install are not found and if you could share the ones mentioned by Colin

Thank you very much for your guide
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The process to data view is a commercial view and not part of the 'out of the box' set. You can see which views are commercial here: ... creenshots - the ones with dollars are commercial, and are part of a pack or can be purchased separately.

Regarding Colin's views, sorry, we don't have those, hopefully Colin will respond.



hello where can I see the cost of these business reports for
buy them separately

Thank you
Posts: 11
Joined: 18 Sep 2022, 12:31

Just a late reply to Colin (since I'm new here) - that is a very generous offer to the community. Since you seem to have deep experiences it would be very valuable to hear more. Has Essential grabbed the opportunity for a webinar (that might be recorded somewhere)? Or published a customer success story?

I would be really interestes in hearing more about your experiences.
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We're happy to run a webinar, send us some topics you'd like to cover and we'll see if we can get something scheduled - probably Nov/Dec.


Posts: 11
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It would be great to hear more about customisation I think, it sounded very promising when Colin wrote about being willing to "share reports, views and experience with other organizations as we take our knowledge tool to new levels and are looking for an exchange of ideas, reports, metamodel designs, etc. We have also embed a number of javascript libraries, including d3 and timeline.js"

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Gena wrote: 22 Sep 2022, 20:46 It would be great to hear more about customisation I think, it sounded very promising when Colin wrote about being willing to "share reports, views and experience with other organizations as we take our knowledge tool to new levels and are looking for an exchange of ideas, reports, metamodel designs, etc. We have also embed a number of javascript libraries, including d3 and timeline.js"

I absolutely agree, I would also like to see the reports, it will be useful and informative for me.
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