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Java versions… non proprietary reccommendations…

Posted: 14 Mar 2023, 11:03
by Gena
I have come to understand that for our organisation the use of Java 8 is a bit challenging because of the licensing model. This can actually be a major issue for implementing Essential as it can cause major increases in cost.

Thus I would just humbly suggest that it it would be very valuable if you were to ensure that essental also ran smoothly on non proprietary JMV.

(And if it already does, please help a poor user to the best one. Perhaps this is extra difficult for a mac user.)

Re: Java versions… non proprietary reccommendations…

Posted: 14 Mar 2023, 11:17
by neil.walsh

There are lots of different non-Oracle Java JVMs these days. Just be sure to choose a Java 8 version for compatibility (Java 8 EOL is in 2030 whereas other (later) versions actually EOL earlier).

Azul ... e=jdk#zulu

Adoptium (previously known as AdoptOpenJDK)

There are others but either of these should be fine.



Re: Java versions… non proprietary reccommendations…

Posted: 14 Mar 2023, 18:21
by Gena
Thanks for a quick reply! I will try them out!