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Multi-user installation woes

Posted: 19 May 2020, 09:47
by idealc

Hope you can offer some help.

I've been having running into a number of issues trying to install the multi-user version of Essential on the following:

Windows Server 2016
OpenJDK 14.0.1
Tomcat 9.035
MySQL 8.0.20
Protege 3.5

I have a couple of issues:

1. Tomcat WAR files:
Silly question, but the following link has ZIP files for both the Essential Viewer and the Import Utility. I've tried all ways (extract, rename, leave alone) trying to deploy these with Tomcat, but can't get them working.
Catalina log files don't really give any clue as to why it's having a problem (presumably as they're not WAR files).
Tomcat is running, I can get to the /manager page and can run Protege in standalone mode.

2. Trying to run in Server Mode
My Essential AM service is running in Windows, yet when I try to run Protege in Service mode (connecting to localhost) I get an Not bound exception, indicating the most likely cause is that the Protege server is not running.

Not bound exception: localhost. Protege Is the Protege server started? -- ServerPanel.log()

Any help greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Re: Multi-user installation woes

Posted: 19 May 2020, 15:38
by jonathan.carter

Firstly, MySQL 8.x is NOT supported, so Protege is not going to be able to use that as 'backend'.

If you run into any Java issues, try going back to a Java 8 JDK but it doesn't sound like that is a problem.

1. Tomcat WAR files.
The links on the OS Downloads page are to WAR files, e.g. essential_viewer_692.war. I suspect that your browser is changing the suffix from WAR to something like ZIP. This is something that MS Internet Explorer used to do.

Once you have downloaded them, before you deploy them into Tomcat/webapps, make sure that the '.zip' suffix is _removed_ and replaced with '.war'

Note: make sure that your operating system isn't trying to be clever and turn the files into '' or '.zip.war' - neither of these will work.

Once you copy 'essential_viewer_692.war' and 'essential_import_utility_22.war' into <TOMCAT>/webapps and Tomcat will deploy them.

2. Trying to run in Server Mode
Do you mean that you are trying to run Protege as a Windows Service? This is not provided in the out-of-the-box Protege pack itself but is included in the Essential Installer.

This multi-user install guide will take you through the process of configuring Protege to run as a server. Note that you will have to use an earlier (5.5, 5.6, 5.7) version of MySQL to use it as the database backend for your Protege repositories.


Re: Multi-user installation woes

Posted: 20 May 2020, 08:09
by idealc
Hi Jonathan,

Many thanks for your response.

Sorry, I was unaware about MySQL 8.x not being supported. There is no mention of that on the following requirements page:
I've changed that to MySQL 5.7.30

Tomcat WAR files:
Changing to OpenJDK 8 sorted that issue and let me deploy. Apparently there is a dependency issue with anything newer than 9.x

Trying to run in server mode:
I'm already following the multi-user install. I've followed the process to create and run a Windows service.

Looking at the run_protege_server.bat file I can see it fails with the following error:

C:\Program Files\Protege_3.5>jre\bin\java -Xmx1024M -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:/c:/program%20files/protege_3.5/protege.jar -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dlog4j.configuration=file:log4j.xml -cp protege.jar;looks.jar;unicode_panel.jar;driver.jar;driver0.jar;driver1.jar edu.stanford.smi.protege.server.Server EssentialAM/Repository/metaproject.pprj
Error loading: C:\Program Files\Protege_3.5\jre\bin\msvcr71.dll

The shutdown_protege_server.bat gives the same error message about msvcr71.dll. I presume that's something to do with the first line of the run_protege_server.bat?