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Webprotege Yet?

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 21:07
by smroberts

Ive seen older posts on this but is there any probability that it could be supported for EAM.
If not has anybody already packaged a 3.5 build that would work in appstream or RDS or windows virtual desktop.


Re: Webprotege Yet?

Posted: 19 Jun 2019, 09:19
by neil.walsh
Unfortunately, the Protege team dropped support for the Frames-based ontologies that Essential uses in version 4+ which includes WebProtege. Protege 3.5 will be used in the Essential open-source platform for the foreseeable future.

I don't think there's any technical limitation with regards to using Protege 3.5 in any of the scenarios you're suggesting though if there is then we'd love to know.

Many users of Essential looking to do a broader roll-out are now using either Essential Cloud or Essential Docker. Essential Cloud is a fully managed service and includes a new web-based interface as a replacement for Protege. Essential Docker packages the Essential Cloud platform for on-premise or self hosted scenarios. Both these offer finer grain security, SAML, MFA, RBAC, API and many other features you might want or need as part of a production deployment. These also include Protege import and export for migration to and from the open-source platform.

We are fully-committed to develop and support the open-source platform with Protege 3.5, especially with regards to the components we control e.g. Meta-Model, Viewer, Import Utility, etc but there are some features which there isn't a straightforward port to the open-source platform (e.g. APIs, security, etc).

Re: Webprotege Yet?

Posted: 21 Jun 2019, 08:41
by smroberts
Thanks Neil. Understood