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Technology Reference Model

Posted: 23 Feb 2019, 03:47
The 'Technology Reference Model' view is not working for me when I use the provided worksheet to import Technology Capability data.

I am able to get the view to work if I go into Protege and manually update the [Classified As] slot with an appropriate [Taxonomy_Term].

The only reference I can find to this view is in the 'View Manual' in the viewer and it cryptically says 'The "classified as" slot is automatically completed except where noted' - I'm unclear what this means.

Could you provide some guidance on setting up the import spec to allow me to simply add a "classified as" column to the spread sheet? I've poked at it but I'm stymied when it comes to importing a Taxonomy Term value.

Re: Technology Reference Model

Posted: 26 Feb 2019, 12:56
by jasonp

in order to extend the Launchpad spreadsheet to populate the original Technology Reference and Standards Model, view, you will need to do the following:
  1. Add a column to the end of the Technology Capabilities worksheet (e.g. column F)
    For each Technology Capability, in the new column, enter the name of one of the Taxonomy Terms illustrated in the diagram below depending upon where in the reference model you would like that Technology Capability to be placed.
  2. These values are the names of pre-defined Taxonomy Terms (provided in the baseline meta-model) that are used to layout Technology Capabilities in the Technology Reference and Standards Model view. Note that the labels of the outer boxes of the reference model view are determined by the Taxonomy Term Label property of each Taxonomy Term. The default values for these labels are also described below.
  3. In order to update the Launchpad Import Specification to apply the Taxonomy Term, open the Import Specification Editor of the Import Utility, expand and then select the Technology Capabilities worksheet then:
    1. Click Add...Simple Instance in the menu and complete the Element Details with Instance Variable Name = techCapTaxTerm, Element Class Name = Taxonomy_Term, Instance Match Mode = ByName, Instance Match Column = F, Instance Name Column = F
    2. Click Move Up in the menu to move the techCapTaxTerm element above the aTechCap element in the hierarchy
    3. Select the aTechCap element and then click Add...Instance Slot in the menu.
    4. Enter details, .Slot Name = element_classified_by, Select Instance = techCapTaxTerm, Conditional Columns = F
    5. You should now be able to re-run your Launchpad import such that the Technology Reference and Standards Model view displays correctly

Technology Standards and Reference Model: Layout Taxonomy Terms

Tech Standards and Ref Model Layout Guide.png

Taxonomy Term Name: Configuration Technology Capability Layer
Taxonomy Term Label: Configuration Services
Reference Model Position: Left Column

Taxonomy Term Name: Monitoring Technology Capability Layer
Taxonomy Term Label: Monitoring Services
Reference Model Position: Right Column

Taxonomy Term Name: Platform Technology Capability Layer
Taxonomy Term Label: Platform Services
Reference Model Position: Bottom Row

Taxonomy Term Name: Technology Capability Layer 1
Taxonomy Term Label: Client Services
Reference Model Position: 1st Central Row

Taxonomy Term Name: Technology Capability Layer 2
Taxonomy Term Label: Business Application Services
Reference Model Position: 2nd Central Row

Taxonomy Term Name: Technology Capability Layer 3
Taxonomy Term Label: Business Support Services
Reference Model Position: 3rd Central Row

Taxonomy Term Name: Technology Capability Layer 4
Taxonomy Term Label: Environment Services
Reference Model Position: 4th Central Row

Taxonomy Term Name: Technology Capability Layer 5
Taxonomy Term Label: Data Management Services
Reference Model Position: 5th Central Row

Taxonomy Term Name: Technology Capability Layer Other
Taxonomy Term Label: No Label Defined
Reference Model Position: 6th Central Row

I hope this has helped. We are currently reviewing our documentation and will look to provide greater clarity in the future on how our various reference models are populated in the meta-model

