Docker for the ESP

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Has anyone manage to create a docker for the Essential Project? We have been having a hard time to manage this platform and the project is grinding to a halt, so hopefully someone can share the docker image.
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We've launched the cloud version to get over the management overhead you can get with open source that you mention here. There is a price but we've set it low so that it covers our costs. However, we estimate that if you consider infrastructure, security, etc plus resource time spent installing updates, backups, and so on, then the price is similar, if not lower than an on-premise solution.

We are looking at a Docker version of the cloud platform, where public cloud is not an option for a company.

The cloud version is here


Essential Team
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Hi everybody

I am working on a docker container for ESP. Its not ready yet but the source can be found here
Posts: 16
Joined: 26 Feb 2018, 20:43

Hi everybody

i managed to get EAS running in server mode inside a docker container.
The setup is without a database yet and is far away to be production ready.

The image can be found at following Github repository:
A short guide how to use the image is written in the

Comments/Pull request/Forks are very welcome

I ve tested the image only on my Mac yet. It would be great if someone could test the image in other environments too.

If i get the time i will also publish the image at docker hub.

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Thanks for your work on this. We're hoping to get an "official" Docker at some point but it's not made it's way to the top of our list yet. This might be a good way for some users to take a look at Essential in a non-production setting.


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Joined: 20 Apr 2018, 09:09

I'm glad to read that you're actually not only considering this but already have plans for, Neil. That's probably on top of my wishlist at the moment.
I'm usually taking MK-677 every day.
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