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Changing slot name

Posted: 25 Aug 2015, 16:31
by sandeepkhanna
We have created Technology Nodes with Id and Name being the same (via import specification); We now have a need to change the "Name" slot. e.g.,:
Id: Node1
Name: Node1

Id: Node1
Name: NewNode1

Since we have a number of such changes, we are making the change using import specification.

- Instance matching mode of "ByInternalId" works fine(KB_....), but we will need a way to export Name/InternalId pair from repository. Is there a way to do it?
- Instance matching mode of "ById" (Node1) does not work. It creates a new instance of "NewNode1"

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Changing slot name

Posted: 01 Sep 2015, 10:36
by jonathan.carter
Hi Sandeep,

There is a slot called :NAME that is used internally by Protege to manage the KB_... name - the internal instance ID. You can throw a switch in Protege to show this slot on the forms and then create a View that generates a CSV view that has columns of internal instance ID, Tech Node ID and Tech Node name.

You can then update that CSV (once you've downloaded it from the Viewer) to change the names or the IDs - leaving the internal instance IDs as they are.
Using an import specification set to match via internalID (using your unchanged instance IDs) you can then update the ID / name slots on the selected instances.
