Need Protégé installation assistance:

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Need assistance on Protégé installation tried multiple times and have been able to get installed and working successfully.
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Thanks for your post.

Can you tell me more about the version of Protege that you are trying to install (e.g. version 3.4.1 or 3.4.2) and the platform on which you are trying to install it, e.g. Windows XP, Vista, Mac etc.?

Is the Protege installer running to completion or are you encountering any error messages during the install of Protege? Have you any ideas of at what stage of the installer processing that the install is failing?

Just in case it helps, I seem to remember that there were reports of the Protege installer running successfully but not creating the program shortcut icons as expected on Windows Vista. The work-around for that is to create the shortcuts manually.

As much information as you can provide about how far you are getting and what messages you are seeing from the installer will be great.

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jonathan.carter wrote:Thanks for your post.

Can you tell me more about the version of Protege that you are trying to install (e.g. version 3.4.1 or 3.4.2) and the platform on which you are trying to install it, e.g. Windows XP, Vista, Mac etc.?

Is the Protege installer running to completion or are you encountering any error messages during the install of Protege? Have you any ideas of at what stage of the installer processing that the install is failing?

Just in case it helps, I seem to remember that there were reports of the Protege installer running successfully but not creating the program shortcut icons as expected on Windows Vista. The work-around for that is to create the shortcuts manually.

As much information as you can provide about how far you are getting and what messages you are seeing from the installer will be great.


Good afternoon Jonathan,

I’m currently trying to install the Protégé 4.0.2 multi user on Windows 2003 Enterprise R2 / SP2 with MYSQL 2005 Express as suggested in the instructions and have been unsuccessful on getting it to work any assistance would be deeply appreciated thanks,.
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Thanks for sending these details.

The first point to note is that Essential Architecture Manager does not support Protege 4.x. If you are installing Protege as part of an install of Essential Architecture Manager, please download the latest version of Protege 3 (currently 3.4.2).
Apologies, I've just realised that our link to this download was incorrect (the target changed on the Protege site). This now points to the correct version.

Let me know how you get on with installing Protege 3.4. Your Windows 2003 Server platform with MySQL should pose no problems. I've installed on this platform before.


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jonathan.carter wrote:Thanks for sending these details.

The first point to note is that Essential Architecture Manager does not support Protege 4.x. If you are installing Protege as part of an install of Essential Architecture Manager, please download the latest version of Protege 3 (currently 3.4.2).
Apologies, I've just realised that our link to this download was incorrect (the target changed on the Protege site). This now points to the correct version.

Let me know how you get on with installing Protege 3.4. Your Windows 2003 Server platform with MySQL should pose no problems. I've installed on this platform before.


Question Jonathan will the v3.4.2 allow multiple users to connect simultaneously.
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Yes, it will.
On your server installation of Protege, you run the Protege Server by using the "run_protege_server.bat" program. There is documentation on Protege's and our site about how to make this start as a Windows service.

Each user also has an installation of Protege and when they start Protege, they select to connect to the Protege server, which in turns manages the multi-user operation.

As you noticed, we recommend using a database "backend" for Protege when it's running as a server but it is possible to provide multi-user access to a file-based Protege repository.

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jonathan.carter wrote:Yes, it will.
On your server installation of Protege, you run the Protege Server by using the "run_protege_server.bat" program. There is documentation on Protege's and our site about how to make this start as a Windows service.

Each user also has an installation of Protege and when they start Protege, they select to connect to the Protege server, which in turns manages the multi-user operation.

As you noticed, we recommend using a database "backend" for Protege when it's running as a server but it is possible to provide multi-user access to a file-based Protege repository.


Question is there a chance that I could get a web session with some to assist in getting this up and working I’m open to what ever time that’s needed.

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It would be possible to set up a web session with you, however, free support is only available through the forums so this would be chargeable. If you wish to pursue this option could you contact us via a services request form.

If you wish to pursue this via the forums that should be possible, but we will need you to give us as much information as possible about the problems you are experiencing with the protege installation.

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sarah.smith wrote:Hi,

It would be possible to set up a web session with you, however, free support is only available through the forums so this would be chargeable. If you wish to pursue this option could you contact us via a services request form.

If you wish to pursue this via the forums that should be possible, but we will need you to give us as much information as possible about the problems you are experiencing with the protege installation.

The Essential Project Team
Good morning Sarah,

Ok I assume the following is the correct order to install the Protégé v3.4.2 correct.

1. Java Runtime Environment
2. Protege Ontology Editor
3. Apache Tomcat
4. Essential Architecture Manager

I’ve tried re-installing multiple times I think that section12.2 Meta Project Definition is throwing me off I created the “EssentialAM/Repository” and copied the following files “metaproject.pprj, metaproject.pins and metaproject.pont” to this folder. After this step I’m getting confused.

I'm trying to get this configured multi user mode.

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Thanks for posting back.
Yes, this is the correct order for the installation.
However, note that you should complete the install of all 4 components before proceeding with Section 12.

I think it would be worth checking that Protege is installed properly before tackling this section by running it in stand-alone mode. To do this, go to your server and start Protege - it should be in the Start menu.

Once this has started, it will ask you to open a project. Find your installed Essential Architecture Manager baseline project - which should be in 'EssentialAM/Repository' from what you say.

This might take a few seconds to load but once it does you should see the Class hierarchy (it's most likely collapsed up) in the left-hand panel, the Instance Browser in the centre and the details on the right. You can explore the Class Browser, and when you find a class with instances (a count of the number of instances is shown next to each class that has instances) select an instance and you should see the available details for it in the main panel on the right. If you can do this, then Protege and Essential Architecture Manager are installed properly.

OK, so Section 12 is about configuring the Protege Server. The latest installer puts the starter-for-10 metaproject in the default location on the server. That is:

C:\Program Files\Protege_3.4.2\examples\server

As a bit of background, the meta project is used to configure the Protege server in terms of the projects (repositories) that it provides and the users that are allowed to access them.

You must run Protege in stand-alone mode on the server (as we did to confirm the Protege install, above) to set up the meta project.

Open the meta project in Protege by selecting File->Open and then navigating to
C:\Program Files\Protege_3.4.2\examples\server

and open 'metaproject.pprj'

Once this opens, go to the 'PolicyControlledObject' in the Class Browser, open it and then click on 'Project'. You should now see 2 projects defined in the Instance Browser:

- Essential AM Repository
- Essential AM Annotations

Select Essential AM Repository and make sure that the Location field is pointing to the full file-path to your Essential repository project, e.g. in

Note that that you need to be using Unix-style directory separators in the Location path.

For now, let's ignore the collaboration and change history features. To do this, go down to the AnnotationProject and push the right-most button - '<>-' Looks like a diamond with a '-' sign.

Select the User class in the Class Browser and make sure that you have users created as per your requirements - in particular that you've added them to the Architects and World groups. See the 'Jonathan Carter' user as an example of a user with administrator capabilities.

When you've finished making these changes, go to File->Save to save your configuration.

Close the meta project and close Protege.

Now, you can test that the server is working by going to Section 14 to start the server. Once this is working, I would recommend going back to Section 13 to get the Essential Repository persisted in a database. The server is started by running the 'run_protege_server.bat' batch file. By default this is setup to read the metaproject from the <PROTEGE>/examples/server directory.

Let me know how you get on - and please don't hesitate to let us know which steps of the configuration are not making sense or are not clear enough.
I've tried to elaborate on what's in the install guide - probably best to read this in conjunction with the guide. Hopefully things will be clearer.

Essential Project Team
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