Using tabs for protege instance edition
Posted: 19 Jun 2018, 09:12
As some essential classes got many attributes I played with the use of tabs in Protégé.
You may find the result interesting at it allows to simplify editing forms...
Remark: it is possible to use these tabs only by configuration of classes/slots. The attached zipped
python file will allow for example to use such a setting in instances of the "EA_Class"...
See "" for the resulting project....
As some essential classes got many attributes I played with the use of tabs in Protégé.
You may find the result interesting at it allows to simplify editing forms...
Remark: it is possible to use these tabs only by configuration of classes/slots. The attached zipped
python file will allow for example to use such a setting in instances of the "EA_Class"...
See "" for the resulting project....