Search found 24 matches
- 29 Nov 2022, 02:04
- Forum: Essential Project Suggestions
- Topic: Add 'Known Issues' tab to application editor
- Replies: 1
- Views: 8684
Add 'Known Issues' tab to application editor
Hi, We've started using the known issues slot on the composite app object for capturing notes about tech debt (high level stuff), and missing capability/long term feature requests to remove other stores of this data in the org. It would be really convenient to be able to add these via the App Editor...
- 16 Nov 2022, 13:07
- Forum: Essential Project Suggestions
- Topic: MS 365 Power Automate Connector
- Replies: 5
- Views: 15325
Re: MS 365 Power Automate Connector
Ok the biggest blocker to creating a custom connector using the postman collection, is that the Power platform doesn't support an Oauth grant type of password . So we're back to - could EA move to a more modern approach for dealing with api access (remove the need for a user) maybe use app API tokens?
- 08 Nov 2022, 11:14
- Forum: Essential Project Suggestions
- Topic: MS 365 Power Automate Connector
- Replies: 5
- Views: 15325
Re: MS 365 Power Automate Connector
Hey Darren, thanks for the reply. I guess having a standard connector that prevents the user from having to worry about authentication, and crafting request/response etc. provides a better user experience. I have people in my team and outside of my team where they’d be happy to use a standard drag/d...
- 06 Oct 2022, 00:08
- Forum: Essential Project Suggestions
- Topic: MS 365 Power Automate Connector
- Replies: 5
- Views: 15325
Re: MS 365 Power Automate Connector
No takers on this? A few things have moved on, MS now support v2.1, however, it is restricted to 256 operations. The latest essential API spec has 28x. Also the essential naming conventions leads to 30 errors in operation names due to special characters, namely ' ( ). I'll have a go at splitting the...
- 02 Apr 2021, 01:29
- Forum: Essential Project Suggestions
- Topic: MS 365 Power Automate Connector
- Replies: 5
- Views: 15325
MS 365 Power Automate Connector
The power platform offers significant feature sets for enterprises, of which I suspect most EA subscribers also subscribe too. Having a maintained connector to allow business users to build forms, flows, views/dashboards etc.would extend the usability of the system almost immeasurably. One can creat...
- 01 Apr 2021, 10:23
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: API - Getting 401 Unauthorised Error
- Replies: 1
- Views: 8987
Re: API - Getting 401 Unauthorised Error
Ok, this one was definitely user error!
For those that might find themselves in a similar position, don't use the viewer ID, make sure it's the repo ID!!
For those that might find themselves in a similar position, don't use the viewer ID, make sure it's the repo ID!!
- 01 Apr 2021, 09:51
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: API - Getting 401 Unauthorised Error
- Replies: 1
- Views: 8987
API - Getting 401 Unauthorised Error
I'm trying to get the basic API functionality working in PowerShell prior to moving onto PowerAutomate in MS 365. I've got the login working and I'm getting a bearer and refresh token back, but I keep getting a 401 Unauthorised error when trying to get the 'applications'. This is my code: # Set up v...
- 01 Apr 2021, 09:20
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: Password setup for technical account without email
- Replies: 3
- Views: 13948
Re: Password setup for technical account without email
Have you considered the app key style approach vs user/pwd?
- 01 Apr 2021, 04:06
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: Issues testing APIs using Postman/Powershell
- Replies: 0
- Views: 11875
Issues testing APIs using Postman/Powershell
Hi, Now I don't know if this is a bug, or just me being uneducated in modern API tooling... I was trying to test the login API to get the bearer token in Postman and I kept getting a GET Method not supported. Googling implied likely a URL (domain) or auth issue. I switched to Powershell using the ex...
- 01 Apr 2021, 03:45
- Forum: Essential Project Suggestions
- Topic: GraphQL Data API for Essential
- Replies: 3
- Views: 14355
Re: GraphQL Data API for Essential
I second a GraphQL end point, this is more about giving a better API experience and is separate to the UI experience, thus being APIs it's already technical in nature so GraphQL being technical is ok too in my opinion.
- 04 Mar 2021, 09:43
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: API / CORS
- Replies: 6
- Views: 19196
Hi again, i ve managed to bypass the cors issue by using a proxy, but its just a workaround. @jasonp. Yes I am working on a browser based application, in detail: its an excel addon to update values via excel without using the import utility. ( Think about it as real time connection between a reposi...
- 27 Jul 2020, 07:45
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: PowerBI Desktop (and Custom EAS OAuth2 Connector)
- Replies: 31
- Views: 83194
Re: PowerBI Desktop (and Custom EAS OAuth2 Connector)
Most appreciated Chris! I won't get to experiment with this just yet, but when I do I'll get a friend in our PowerBI team to take a look and see if there are any suggestions. Thanks for your efforts and sharing with the community.
- 16 Jul 2020, 05:53
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: PowerBI Desktop (and Custom EAS OAuth2 Connector)
- Replies: 31
- Views: 83194
Re: PowerBI Desktop (and Custom EAS OAuth2 Connector)
Hi Chris, We're a new user of EA cloud. This will no doubt be extremely useful. My plan is eventually to allow our analytics team to own the design and build of the dashboards so the pain doesn't sit with IT to build new EA viewer views, however, I suspect it will be a mix. On that note, do you have...
- 15 Jul 2020, 03:55
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: 403 Unauth error trying to upload logo image to viewer
- Replies: 2
- Views: 10863
Re: 403 Unauth error trying to upload logo image to viewer
That worked, thank you.
- 10 Jul 2020, 12:22
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: 403 Unauth error trying to upload logo image to viewer
- Replies: 2
- Views: 10863
403 Unauth error trying to upload logo image to viewer
Hi, I'm trying to upload our logo image, but after browsing the images folder for the viewer, and trying to upload a file, I get a red notification stating 403 error. I have sys admin access, I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong, but I don't see any further guidance in the help video for customisi...
- 21 Jun 2020, 09:19
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Import tool failing with python parsing errors
- Replies: 1
- Views: 10339
Import tool failing with python parsing errors
Hi, So I can no longer import the LaunchPad xls (the report version generated by essential viewer). I'm trying to build a new Ubuntu Linux build (this is a clean install), it's currently Ubuntu Server 18.04, JDK 8, MQSQL 5.7, JDBC driver 8, tomcat 9, all the latest Essential installers as of 20/06/2...
- 19 Jun 2020, 04:54
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: List of Application by Organisation
- Replies: 10
- Views: 25948
Re: List of Application by Organisation
Hi, Is there a view that groups and displays 'application providers' by say a high level app service? So something like this: But rat...
- 14 Jun 2020, 02:49
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Essential Open Source - Server Install on Linux
- Replies: 4
- Views: 16437
Re: Essential Open Source - Server Install on Linux
Ok the script is a bit tidier now. There is a set of variables at the top, if you set RDP=Y it will install all the stuff you need to then be able to remote in via an RDP client, say on windows etc. it also has an option to remove quiet mode etc. unfortunaly Ubuntu has abug with the xrdp package, so...
- 09 Jun 2020, 07:17
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Essential Open Source - Server Install on Linux
- Replies: 4
- Views: 16437
Re: Essential Open Source - Server Install on Linux
Ok, so I wasn't happy with the performance of running this on windows/MS SQL with remote clients, and I don't have time to learn docker or ansible etc. so I have created a bash script to install everything (currently up to v6.10 models) on a vanilla install of Ubuntu 20.04 Check it out here: https:/...
- 03 Jun 2020, 02:19
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Launch Pad v5 - How to export to xls > update > import
- Replies: 6
- Views: 20219
Re: Launch Pad v5 - How to export to xls > update > import
hi John, Yeah so 6.9 has been applied - it shows in the EA_Class >> About_Essential >> Meta_Model_Version as 6.9, I've published, but the xml that gets downloaded from the support view is named l4_launchpad_export - there is a tab in the xls named "Physical Proc 2 App and Service", but i d...
- 30 May 2020, 02:09
- Forum: Essential Project Suggestions
- Topic: Placing essential project opensource related contributions
- Replies: 5
- Views: 18087
Re: Placing essential project opensource related contributions
Team. Is there a place at essential website where we can place the custom templates that we create for open source community? Example. I have created a Viewer/template for Interface Catalogue (two different styles) (utilising existing meta model) Hi there - I'd love a copy of this, can you post it ...
- 30 May 2020, 02:02
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Launch Pad v5 - How to export to xls > update > import
- Replies: 6
- Views: 20219
Re: Launch Pad v5 - How to export to xls > update > import
Thanks for the replies.
So the v5 launchpad pack has a bug and doesn't update the support view to export a v5 compliant XML (Excel)?
So the v5 launchpad pack has a bug and doesn't update the support view to export a v5 compliant XML (Excel)?
- 22 May 2020, 13:33
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Essential Open Source - Server Install on Linux
- Replies: 4
- Views: 16437
Re: Essential Open Source - Server Install on Linux
Hi John, So you will find some custom docker images in various repos (github etc.) They no longer work out of the box due to where and how the team package up the releases now. However, it gives you insight into how to driver the protege and the widgets installers without the UI - so it can be done....
- 22 May 2020, 13:14
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Launch Pad v5 - How to export to xls > update > import
- Replies: 6
- Views: 20219
Launch Pad v5 - How to export to xls > update > import
Hi, Firstly, thank you for the awesome product, and free! I'm trying to prove it's value to justify a cloud subscription to get the extra views and the webforms for data entry, however, I first need to get the core data into the OS version. I started populating via Protege, then got the latest versi...