Search found 72 matches
- 04 Oct 2024, 13:39
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Documenting Deployment Views of SaaS Services
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1388
Re: Documenting Deployment Views of SaaS Services
When you say different endpoints, I presume you mean different physical addresses. If so, then I would suggest that you actually model your SaaS Services as instances of Composite Application Providers with the D`elivery Model slot set to SaaS. Youi can then capture each of your DEV, QA and PROD ins...
- 07 Jun 2024, 16:32
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: View: Application Impact Analysis - Description cannot be displayed in HTML
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2162
Re: View: Application Impact Analysis - Description cannot be displayed in HTML
Hi Xiaoqi,
we are happy for you to go ahead and make your change and we will add it to our list of fixes in our next release.
Thanks for letting us know.
we are happy for you to go ahead and make your change and we will add it to our list of fixes in our next release.
Thanks for letting us know.
- 29 Feb 2024, 19:29
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: Creating Custom Editor Components
- Replies: 2
- Views: 7020
Re: Creating Custom Editor Components
Hi Declan, we do have an editor component that I believe should meet this specific requirement. You can add it to a Project Editor in the editor builder by doing the following: 1. From any configurable editor with Project as the anchor class, select any Section in the component tree on the left 2. C...
- 03 Oct 2023, 14:33
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: [essential_import_utility_256 & Meta-Model 6.15] ISSUE : external_repository_instance_reference not set
- Replies: 3
- Views: 12736
Re: [essential_import_utility_256 & Meta-Model 6.15] ISSUE : external_repository_instance_reference not set
Hi Tshitshi,
we have not made any changes to the Import Utility recently that would impact functional behaviour. Can you confirm whether the Import Specification you are using is matching instances By Name or By ID?
we have not made any changes to the Import Utility recently that would impact functional behaviour. Can you confirm whether the Import Specification you are using is matching instances By Name or By ID?
- 20 Jul 2023, 16:20
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: Business Process Model View: How to Display "Start" and "End" element?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 10210
Re: Business Process Model View: How to Display "Start" and "End" element?
Hello Xiaoqi, you are correct, at present the Business Process Flow view does not show the start and end nodes. However, it does display Initiating Events and Raised Events which you can use in place of Start and End nodes respectively. In Protege, you can find them in the palette of components that...
- 06 Jul 2023, 09:01
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Model multiple instances of same application
- Replies: 3
- Views: 12023
Re: Model multiple instances of same application
Hi Henri, the following digram provides an illustration of how we would typically model the deployment of an Application such as SAP ECC across multiple servers. My assumption is that your SAP ECC "Instances" are different configurations of the SAP ECC software and, as such, have differenc...
- 09 Jun 2023, 09:32
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: Typo in js file breaks Supplier and Contracts Editor
- Replies: 1
- Views: 8433
Re: Typo in js file breaks Supplier and Contracts Editor
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.Looking at the location of the error, I presume that this is only causing an issue when accessing the editor from a Viewer menu.
The team have made the fix which will be available in our June monthly release.
The team have made the fix which will be available in our June monthly release.
- 03 Apr 2023, 17:12
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: Adding a custom editor to Report Menu
- Replies: 1
- Views: 8717
Re: Adding a custom editor to Report Menu
Hi, a current quirk in creating menu items for Editors is that, in the Target Report slot of the Report Menu Item instance, you have to select an Instance of Editor Section (see screenshot below) which will have been automatically created by the Editor Builder and will be named in the format of <Edi...
- 13 Mar 2023, 17:09
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: How to model "Business Product" and "Business Capability" mapping?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 12325
Re: How to model "Business Product" and "Business Capability" mapping?
Hi, The links directly below are from the Essential University, and are to the meta-class definitions for Product Concept, Product Type and Product, including examples of how they should be applied. Which of these you decide to populate will depend on the questions that you are looking to answer, an...
- 01 Mar 2023, 10:48
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: API problems with R
- Replies: 3
- Views: 12129
Re: API problems with R
this could be a url encoding issue. I believe that Postman automatically encodes the URL query string (escaping characters such as "^" and "@") before sending it. Do you know if your program is encoding the URL query string, before sending the request?
this could be a url encoding issue. I believe that Postman automatically encodes the URL query string (escaping characters such as "^" and "@") before sending it. Do you know if your program is encoding the URL query string, before sending the request?
- 17 Jan 2023, 11:07
- Forum: Essential Project Suggestions
- Topic: Viewer Builder
- Replies: 2
- Views: 56400
Re: Viewer Builder
Hi, a Viewer Builder is indeed something that we are already investigating as an approach to provide greater flexibility and accessibility for views, however we are yet to agree a target date for this capability. In the mean time, we have some clients who are using the Editor Builder, in conjunction...
- 17 Jan 2023, 10:05
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: Governance Body & Group Actor
- Replies: 1
- Views: 8855
Re: Governance Body & Group Actor
Hi, the intention of the gb_group_actor was to allow modellers to relate Governance Body instances to the rest of the enterprise architecture in a manner that is consistent, e.g. capturing processes undertaken by a Governance Body. As you suggest, depending upon your operating model, this could resu...
- 08 Dec 2022, 10:09
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: [Essential Metamodel] Change Request : Missing slots linking Attribute_Value with EA_CLASS | EA_Relation instances
- Replies: 4
- Views: 14378
Re: [Essential Metamodel] Change Request : Missing slots linking Attribute_Value with EA_CLASS | EA_Relation instances
Hi Tshitshi, thank you for the suggested change, which we completely understand the benefit of making. In fact, we have come very close in the past to making this exact change. The main reason for our hesitation was that we felt there was a danger that modellers may be tempted into proliferating ad-...
- 08 Dec 2022, 09:54
- Forum: Essential Project Suggestions
- Topic: Recording SLAs
- Replies: 2
- Views: 10226
Re: Recording SLAs
Hi, we have been exploring extensions to the meta-model for supporting SLAs with a number of organisations, but are yet to formally introduce them. The examples that you have provided are consistent with use cases that we have been looking to support. Other use cases, include the ability to group SL...
- 23 Nov 2022, 17:33
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: Modelling APIs Dependencies
- Replies: 4
- Views: 13808
Re: Modelling APIs Dependencies
Hi, In response to your questions: - Are steps 1, 2, 3 correct to denote the APIs? If not then how I can do it correctly? Your modelling approach looks to be correct - What does ap_interface slot mean in "A::A1", "A::A2", "C::C1"? They are already interface themselves. ...
- 21 Sep 2022, 09:01
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Matrix Organisation Modelling?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 11035
Re: Matrix Organisation Modelling?
Hi Gena, the meta-model already allows an organisation to have 1...n parent organisations which, in theory, would support a matrix structure. However, the challenge, as you suggested, is in how to differentiate between the two organisational dimensions, e.g. management org structure vs governance or...
- 14 Jul 2022, 08:40
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: [Essential V6.15] Data_Object_Attribute : represented_by_attribute type ISSUE
- Replies: 1
- Views: 9037
Re: [Essential V6.15] Data_Object_Attribute : represented_by_attribute type ISSUE
Hi Tshitshi, this is actually more than a copy/paste issue as the represented_by_attribute should not exist within the Data Object Attribute class at all. Your proposed change is indeed the correct one, with your suggested doa_represented_by_attribute slot being the inverse of the existing implement...
- 14 Jul 2022, 08:31
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: [Import_Utility_2.5.3] How to define an derived Boolean value for a slot : java.lang.ClassCastException
- Replies: 1
- Views: 9038
Re: [Import_Utility_2.5.3] How to define an derived Boolean value for a slot : java.lang.ClassCastException
Hi Tshitshi, at present, I am afraid that this is not possible directly in the Import Utility as defining the column as being a Simple Slot tells the Import Utility that the value is of type String. A possible approach could be to define a separate column in the spreadsheet that is mapped to a Primi...
- 13 Jun 2022, 08:14
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: [Essential V6.5] Multiple Business Process Families ISSUE
- Replies: 4
- Views: 15993
Re: [Essential V6.5] Multiple Business Process Families ISSUE
Hi Tshitshi,
our apologies. We will make sure that it is included in the 6.16 release.
our apologies. We will make sure that it is included in the 6.16 release.
- 13 Jun 2022, 08:09
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: [Essential Metamodel] Change Request : Allow Multiple Cardinality for Information_Concept in Information View
- Replies: 1
- Views: 9083
Re: [Essential Metamodel Model] Change Request : Allow Multiple Cardinality for Information_Concept in Information View
Hi Tshitshi,
we will review this request for inclusion in our next meta-model release. In principle, your request makes sense and, as you suggest is consistent with other mappings between Conceptual and Logical Design classes.
we will review this request for inclusion in our next meta-model release. In principle, your request makes sense and, as you suggest is consistent with other mappings between Conceptual and Logical Design classes.
- 03 Apr 2022, 20:43
- Forum: General
- Topic: Modeling the impact of a project
- Replies: 2
- Views: 9836
Re: Modeling the impact of a project
Hi Alex, Although we do support the ability to map Projects to the elements that they impact in the ways that you describe (via Strategic Plans), we do not currently support comparative scenario analysis for Projects at the moment. However, we are considering enhancing our "roadmap-enablement&q...
- 24 Mar 2022, 18:00
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: Using API to extract data - including our own added slots
- Replies: 2
- Views: 10724
Re: Using API to extract data - including our own added slots
Hi Rob,
we would recommend using our new Utility v3 API which will provide you with direct access to all slots of a Class, including any custom slots. The documentation for this API can be found here: ... a21cf50fca
we would recommend using our new Utility v3 API which will provide you with direct access to all slots of a Class, including any custom slots. The documentation for this API can be found here: ... a21cf50fca
- 12 Mar 2021, 13:34
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: Modeling WAR deployments for Apps
- Replies: 2
- Views: 10979
Re: Modeling WAR deployments for Apps
Hi, we would typically document the names of WAR files using the technology_instance_given_name slot of the Application Software Instance that is deployed on a particular node. You can also optionally map the technology_instance_of slot of the Application Software Instance to a Technology Product su...
- 02 Feb 2021, 16:03
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: Value Stage class structure
- Replies: 1
- Views: 9328
Re: Value Stage class structure
Hi Tudor, the original intention was to use a Label classified for the Value Stage label slot in order to support multi-language against the slot. However, in hindsight, we would agree that this has added complexity for limited, if any, benefit as multi-language support can still be achieved by crea...
- 03 Dec 2020, 11:15
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Essential Open Source - Default Currency
- Replies: 3
- Views: 13227
Re: Essential Open Source - Default Currency
Hi John,
can you confirm the name of the view that is displaying the default currency incorrectly?
can you confirm the name of the view that is displaying the default currency incorrectly?
- 19 Oct 2020, 14:26
- Forum: Essential Project Suggestions
- Topic: GraphQL Data API for Essential
- Replies: 3
- Views: 14364
Re: GraphQL Data API for Essential
Hi Tshitshi, Support for dynamic, generic, querying of the Essential meta-model is on our roadmap but we're trying to make sure it is usable by all, not just people with technical knowledge of GraphQL. For us, the requirement is to provide a flexible way of allowing UI-driven and programmatic queryi...
- 13 Jul 2020, 21:42
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: [Import Utility 2.2 + Metamodel 6.9 or 6.10] Broken Result Issue
- Replies: 9
- Views: 29290
Re: [Import Utility 2.2 + Metamodel 6.9 or 6.10] Broken Result Issue
Hi Tshitshi,
it would be great if you could privately send your Import Spec and sample spreadsheet so that we can review how your import is mapping to the meta-model.
it would be great if you could privately send your Import Spec and sample spreadsheet so that we can review how your import is mapping to the meta-model.
- 13 Jul 2020, 21:33
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: [Information_View Class] information_view_stakeholders vs stakeholders SLOTS
- Replies: 1
- Views: 9469
Re: [Information_View Class] information_view_stakeholders vs stakeholders SLOTS
Hi Tshitshi, information_view_stakeholders is a legacy slot that should be defined as being 'deprecated', which it will be in the next release. It is still currently referenced by the Information View Summary view ( information/core_il_inf_object_summary.xsl ), but it will also be replaced by ' stak...
- 01 Jul 2020, 12:34
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: How do we map Regulatory Bodies in the Model
- Replies: 2
- Views: 11709
Re: How do we map Regulatory Bodies in the Model
Hi, the diagram below describes how we believe that your scenario could be modelled using the out-of-the-box meta-model together with a couple of minor slot extensions (note: we already plan to add the stakeholder slot to EA_Relation ). Contextual Regulatory Management.png In summary, this approach ...
- 23 Jun 2020, 15:04
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: Value streams
- Replies: 5
- Views: 18568
Re: Value streams
yer, we will update the Value Stream view to incorporate the new relationship between Value Stages and Business Capabilities.
yer, we will update the Value Stream view to incorporate the new relationship between Value Stages and Business Capabilities.
- 20 Jun 2020, 11:06
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: Value streams
- Replies: 5
- Views: 18568
Re: Value streams
Hi Karen/Dag, we agree that it should be possible to relate Value Chains more directly to Business Capabilities. More specifically, we believe that it should be possible to describe the Business Capabilities that are required for a given Value Stage of a Value Stream. Therefore, in the next version ...
- 15 Jun 2020, 09:54
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: IT Asset Dashboard View is not working
- Replies: 15
- Views: 38708
Re: IT Asset Dashboard View is not working
Hi James, we believe that the issue may have been caused by a bug in the way we were escaping characters which should now be resolved in the latest version of Essential Viewer which can be found here. With this latest version, you should no longer...
- 10 Jun 2020, 17:19
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: IT Asset Dashboard View is not working
- Replies: 15
- Views: 38708
Re: IT Asset Dashboard View is not working
Hi James,
apologies for the delay. Just to let you know that we are investigating your issue and we have been able to replicate the problem that you are seeing. As soon as we have a solution, we will get back to you.
apologies for the delay. Just to let you know that we are investigating your issue and we have been able to replicate the problem that you are seeing. As soon as we have a solution, we will get back to you.
- 29 Apr 2020, 10:01
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: Integrations?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 16754
Re: Integrations?
Hi, we are aware of clients that have integrated with ServiceNow via our Utility REST API as well as BCM Remedy and Flexerra/Technopedia via our batch-based XML interface. Although we were not directly involved in their implementation, in the case of ServiceNow, clients have either used ServiceNow's...
- 10 Mar 2020, 13:49
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Technology Platform Model relationships between Application and Technology Products
- Replies: 3
- Views: 14275
Re: Technology Platform Model relationships between Application and Technology Products
Hi Rajaraman, With regard to your questions: a. Application to Required Components (Web, App, Browser, Framework, etc.) The current version of Launchpad does not provide the ability to import the Technology Components required by an Application. However, a new version of Launchpad (version 5) will b...
- 04 Mar 2020, 14:44
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: API / CORS
- Replies: 6
- Views: 19198
thanks for the update. We're glad that you have been able to find a tactical solution. We have prioritised an update to address this issue and will keep you posted on when it will be released.
thanks for the update. We're glad that you have been able to find a tactical solution. We have prioritised an update to address this issue and will keep you posted on when it will be released.
- 25 Feb 2020, 12:52
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: API / CORS
- Replies: 6
- Views: 19198
Hi, you are correct in that the REST APIs are not currently configured to support Cross Origin Requests. To date, our clients have been using the APIs for system to system integration, whereas I assume that you are looking to create a browser-based Application that will be accessing the APIs. We did...
- 19 Feb 2020, 17:50
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: Process Workflow steps
- Replies: 1
- Views: 12144
Re: Process Workflow steps
The slot used to capture the workflow of a process is "defining_business_process_flow", which is labelled "Defining Business Process Flow" in the instance editor
- 17 Jan 2020, 10:52
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: Managing Approval Status for Applications and Technologies
- Replies: 4
- Views: 15413
Re: Managing Approval Status for Applications and Technologies
In your Technology Product Editor, can you confirm that you are not seeing the drop down button highlighted in red below on items in the Technology Features section of the General tab?
- 08 Jan 2020, 12:43
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: Managing Approval Status for Applications and Technologies
- Replies: 4
- Views: 15413
Re: Managing Approval Status for Applications and Technologies
The Essential Meta-Model supports the ability to define what we call Standard Specifications. More specifically, for your requirements, Application Provider Standard Specification and Technology Product Standard Specification . These classes can be found under the EA Class -> EA Support -> Standards...
- 06 Sep 2019, 16:47
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Updating data after 1st import using import utility
- Replies: 1
- Views: 10806
Re: Updating data after 1st import using import utility
Hi Rajaraman, yes you can do this. If you look at the Launchpad Import Specification, you will see example worksheets (what we typically call catalogue worksheets) that import instances based on a "ByID" match mode (see screenshot below). ess_iu_match_by_id.png When a column is defined as ...
- 22 Aug 2019, 08:05
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: Data Object Lifecycle View Displays Where as Data Object Provider Model Not displays data both are using same data?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 26620
Re: Data Object Lifecycle View Displays Where as Data Object Provider Model Not displays data both are using same data?
Hi Rajaraman,
that's great to hear.
that's great to hear.
- 21 Aug 2019, 10:37
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: Data Object Lifecycle View Displays Where as Data Object Provider Model Not displays data both are using same data?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 26620
Re: Data Object Lifecycle View Displays Where as Data Object Provider Model Not displays data both are using same data?
Hi Rajaraman, the Source Information column is optional depending on the views you intend to populate. Nonetheless, from the screenshot that you have sent, what you have captured looks correct. Regarding Apps 2 and 3, If they do not receive data from other systems, then they do not need to be captur...
- 21 Aug 2019, 09:55
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: Data Object Lifecycle View Displays Where as Data Object Provider Model Not displays data both are using same data?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 26620
Re: Data Object Lifecycle View Displays Where as Data Object Provider Model Not displays data both are using same data?
Hi Rajaraman, the Data Provider Model requires both the Source Application (column T) and the Source Information (column U) in the App 2 Data worksheet. The Source Information column would typically be the main database of the Source Application (similar to the values you would have populated in col...
- 21 Aug 2019, 07:55
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: Data Object Lifecycle View Displays Where as Data Object Provider Model Not displays data both are using same data?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 26620
Re: Data Object Lifecycle View Displays Where as Data Object Provider Model Not displays data both are using same data?
Hi Rajaraman, both of these views are populated from the relationships created by the App 2 Data worksheet. Can you please confirm whether there any columns that you have not populated in that worksheet? This will help in understanding why the Data Provider Model is not displaying. Regarding your qu...
- 25 Jul 2019, 08:07
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: [Essential V6.5] Multiple Business Process Families ISSUE
- Replies: 4
- Views: 15993
Re: [Essential V6.5] Multiple Business Process Families ISSUE
Hi Tshitshi,
apologies, this is indeed an oversight and will be resolved in the next meta-model release/update.
Thanks for letting us know.
apologies, this is indeed an oversight and will be resolved in the next meta-model release/update.
Thanks for letting us know.
- 03 Jul 2019, 13:32
- Forum: Essential Cloud
- Topic: Metamodel understanding - Application layer
- Replies: 2
- Views: 12410
Re: Metamodel understanding - Application layer
Yes, that's a great explanation Alex. I hope you won't mind the Essential Project team borrowing your analogy in the future

- 03 Jul 2019, 13:27
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Country wise Applications implementation
- Replies: 3
- Views: 15385
Re: Country wise Applications implementation
To answer your questions: (1)Currently the screen shot "Applications Host by Country" shows hosted,accessed in different color because of different country. In case of an application hosted and accessed by same country how the output look like do you have any sample. At present, the view, ...
- 25 Jun 2019, 21:26
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Essential Import Utility Request for further details
- Replies: 7
- Views: 24552
Re: Essential Import Utility Request for further details
Hi Julian, we are about to release Launchpad v4 which includes a single worksheet for importing the data required to populate the Application Information Dependencies view. My colleague will contact you directly shortly with details of how you can get hold of the new materials, e.g. spreadsheet temp...
- 29 May 2019, 17:46
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Business process flow - error
- Replies: 3
- Views: 14384
Re: Business process flow - error
can you confirm the version of Essential Viewer that you are using? You should be able to see it in the bottom right corner of any view.
can you confirm the version of Essential Viewer that you are using? You should be able to see it in the bottom right corner of any view.
- 03 Apr 2019, 16:00
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Error applying EMM 64 upgrade EUP file in Protégé 3.5
- Replies: 1
- Views: 9500
Re: Error applying EMM 64 upgrade EUP file in Protégé 3.5
Hi Gunther, We have re-tested the EUP that is provided on our web-site in Protege and it appears to be OK. It may be that your EUP became corrupted when you first downloaded it and so it may be worth downloading it again and then re-trying. However, given that you re currently on EMM v6.1.1, in orde...
- 02 Apr 2019, 13:10
- Forum: Essential Project Suggestions
- Topic: [Application_Provider] Multiple Application_Family (s)
- Replies: 4
- Views: 16705
Re: [Application_Provider] Multiple Application_Family (s)
Hi Tshitshi,
yes, that makes perfect sense. We will be sure to make that change in the next update to our meta-model and so feel free to make the change in your repository, knowing that it will be consistent with our baseline meta-model in the future.
yes, that makes perfect sense. We will be sure to make that change in the next update to our meta-model and so feel free to make the change in your repository, knowing that it will be consistent with our baseline meta-model in the future.
- 22 Mar 2019, 16:05
- Forum: Essential Project Suggestions
- Topic: [Application_Provider] Multiple Application_Family (s)
- Replies: 4
- Views: 16705
Re: [Application_Provider] Multiple Application_Family (s)
Hi Tshitshi, for reasons of consistency, we believe it makes sense to allow multiple cardinality for the Application_Provider to Application_Family relationship and so we are happy to make that change to the meta-model. However, given the description of your requirement, I would be interested in a c...
- 22 Mar 2019, 15:53
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: KPI framework and Essential Platform
- Replies: 1
- Views: 10370
Re: KPI framework and Essential Platform
Hi, I would certainly agree with your approach.As mentioned in my colleagues post, we have experience of performing KPI calculations dynamically in Essential Views based on low-level KPI values. However, this is not the most efficient, scalable or performant approach, as this entails performing any ...
- 26 Feb 2019, 12:56
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Technology Reference Model
- Replies: 1
- Views: 9582
Re: Technology Reference Model
Hi, in order to extend the Launchpad spreadsheet to populate the original Technology Reference and Standards Model, view, you will need to do the following: Add a column to the end of the Technology Capabilities worksheet (e.g. column F) For each Technology Capability, in the new column, enter the n...
- 29 Jan 2019, 11:57
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: Granularity of Classes
- Replies: 2
- Views: 12282
Re: Granularity of Classes
Hi, For Applications, we generally recommend using Application Capabilities for high level grouping (e.g. Case Management) of functionality and Application Services for the detail (Incident Management Services etc) that provides context, for example "When Organisation X performs Process Y, they...
- 23 Jan 2019, 14:33
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Application Information Dependency - servers shared folders linking
- Replies: 1
- Views: 10015
Re: Application Information Dependency - servers shared folders linking
Hi, the diagram below illustrates the relationships that need to be traversed in order to capture a number of dependencies that exist for applications, including the ones you have listed. In all cases, none of the elements on the right are modelled using Application Providers and so they will not co...
- 23 Jan 2019, 12:34
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Business Reference Model - maintaining two states
- Replies: 7
- Views: 24175
Re: Business Reference Model - maintaining two states
Hi Rajaraman, It is a reasonably straightforward task to assign Business Capabilities to Architecture States (e.g. Current State, Future State) in your repository. As shown in the diagram below. Bus Cap Arch States.png Here you can see that Business Capability 1, Business Capability 2 and Business C...
- 26 Nov 2018, 17:33
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: [Business Service summary View] Supporting Applications Issue
- Replies: 6
- Views: 21660
Re: [Business Service summary View] Supporting Applications Issue
Hi Tshitshi, here is the updated xsl which should now account for the two scenarios that you described. Using the test repository that you sent, you should see that the view only provides actors and applications where they have been associated with physical processes via Products. However, it will a...
- 21 Nov 2018, 17:50
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: [Business Service summary View] Supporting Applications Issue
- Replies: 6
- Views: 21660
Re: [Business Service summary View] Supporting Applications Issue
Hi Tshitshi, apologies for the delay in getting back to you on this. I agree with your assessment regarding the accuracy of the current Business Service Summary implementation. There is a way to achieve what you are looking to do (we have had to address this issue in a number of other views) and so,...
- 05 Nov 2018, 11:56
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: How to model integration architecture?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 16678
Re: How to model integration architecture?
Hi Tomas, up until now, we have always recommended that APIs were modelled using the Application Provider class. This was on the basis that they effectively represent logical collections of application functionality that happen to be accessible via a programmatic interface, as opposed to a user inte...
- 21 Aug 2018, 22:48
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: data metrics modeling
- Replies: 1
- Views: 10369
Re: data metrics modeling
We would suggest the best way to capture the kind of metrics that you describe as follows: Create new instances of EA_Class / EA_Support / Utilities / Service_Quality_Measure / Service_Quality / Information_Service_Quality for each of the types of metric that you wish to capture against Data Concept...
- 26 Jun 2018, 22:51
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: How to Create Change Analysis Report_Business Function / Service Change Analysis
- Replies: 1
- Views: 10242
Re: How to Create Change Analysis Report_Business Function / Service Change Analysis
Hi, the following meta-model diagram and Protege screenshots should provide the required guidance to populate the change analysis reports. Please note that we are looking to provide an alternative approach to modelling and reporting against roadmaps in a future release and so you will see that a cou...
- 25 Jun 2018, 13:13
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Importing activity does not reflect new changes (new slot)
- Replies: 12
- Views: 8850
Re: Importing activity does not reflect new changes (new slot)
Hi, thanks for your responses to my questions. The Import Utility has the capability to delete specific instances of a specified class, however, the Import Specification for the Essential LaunchPad is configured to be additive only. That is, it has been set up so that it will either update an existi...
- 25 Jun 2018, 10:16
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: Importing activity does not reflect new changes (new slot)
- Replies: 12
- Views: 8850
Re: Importing activity does not reflect new changes (new slot)
Hi, just so that we can provide you with the correct advice, could you please provide clarification on the following: Is your 'production' Target Environment a remote repository or one that you have directly uploaded to the Import Utility? Do your new production/dev repositories already contain Busi...
- 26 Mar 2018, 15:04
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: How to model Web applications - Infrastructure?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 12778
Re: How to model Web applications - Infrastructure?
Hi, the model below describes the approach that we would recommend taking to modelling the mapping of your applications to server cluster infrastructure as you describe. server cluster deployment.png The key is to capture the server cluster as a single Technology Node which contains the 3 servers th...
- 26 Mar 2018, 12:16
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: How to define Application uses Application Function relation?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 10681
Re: How to define Application uses Application Function relation?
Hi, I have attached a repository containing an example of how we would model the dependencies that you have described. The steps taken were as follows: Create the ‘Transaction Management’ Application Service with Application Functions ‘Deposit Transaction’ and ‘Withdraw Transaction’ Create the ‘Tell...
- 14 Mar 2018, 21:48
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: How can i properly represent BUC on EP
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4098
Re: How can i properly represent BUC on EP
Hi Julian, It is possible to model what you are describing (we have done it before), but it is quite complex in terms of the relationships that need to be created. However, we recognise the importance of capturing these models (in particular for some AI and machine learning platforms with which we h...
- 09 Mar 2018, 15:44
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: How can i properly represent BUC on EP
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4098
Re: How can i properly represent BUC on EP
Hi Julian, just to clarify, are you looking to define a BUSINESS Use Case model or a SYSTEM Use Case model? The reason for asking is that, typically, Business Use Cases would be system independent, describing the high level interactions between business actors (Group or Individual Business Roles in ...
- 18 Dec 2017, 15:55
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: [Essential Meta Model 6.1.1] How to model the DEFAULT VALUE for an INFORMATION... or DATA... ATTRIBUTE
- Replies: 2
- Views: 12962
Re: [Essential Meta Model 6.1.1] How to model the DEFAULT VALUE for an INFORMATION... or DATA... ATTRIBUTE
We do not currently support the definition of default values for Info/Data Object/Representation Attributes. So far, this has not been a requirement that we have come across, as our focus has mainly been on the strategy and architecture of the organisation and structure of enterprise data rather tha...
- 29 Aug 2017, 20:05
- Forum: Essential Modelling and Viewer
- Topic: Multi-level parent child views
- Replies: 5
- Views: 19991
Re: Multi-level parent child views
Here is an updated version of the enterprise/core_el_group_actor_summary.xsl view file which we believe should address the issue. You will need to copy to the enterprise folder in your Essential Viewer web application within Tomcat. We will naturally also be including this fix in our next patch rele...
- 01 Jul 2017, 08:51
- Forum: Essential Open Source - Platform
- Topic: [Viewer 6.0.2 Issue - Project summary] : Impacted elements NOT filtered ACCORDINGLY
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2875
Re: [Viewer 6.0.2 Issue - Project summary] : Impacted elements NOT filtered ACCORDINGLY
Hi Tshitshi, I believe the reason that you are seeing all 4 impacted elements is that you are mapping the Projects to both the overall Strategic Plans as well as the Plan 2 Element Relations. At present, the view interprets a mapping to a Strategic Plan to mean that a Project delivers all Plan 2 Ele...