IT Asset Dashboard - showing business capability summary - relevant data

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Posts: 137
Joined: 02 May 2018, 12:20

We have enabled IT Asset Dashboard view with data business capabilities, business process, applications, user to organisation.

During one demo, we got the below query, since i selected business unit in the top, you should carry this selection in business capability summary drilldown (Business Perspective) up on clicking and show only the applications relevant to that BU

Any ways this can be done? or we are missing some thing in our understanding?
Posts: 486
Joined: 17 Feb 2009, 20:19

Agree, we're looking into allowing you to scope so you can carry selections, e.g. Org, through multiple views. You need to retain the selection then filter views when they open to that selection. There are some considerations and complexities which we're working through.
Posts: 137
Joined: 02 May 2018, 12:20

is there a chance we get a fix regarding this for these weeks?
Posts: 486
Joined: 17 Feb 2009, 20:19

As mentioned previously we are looking into this and are aware of the requirement. It is quite complex and will impact a lot of views so we have to design this carefully rather than do this as a one-off. There is no current idea on date as this is not a simple change so you will have to bear with us.
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